Tag: education

Getting Women into STEM: Who’s Responsible?
Where does the responsibility for changing mindsets around women in STEM sit? Progress OpenEdge VP Colleen Smith gives her take.
Educators Resource Increases Speeds 80-90%
Educators Resource turned to DataDirect to upgrade their data organization, leading to an 80-90% increase in screen refresh speeds within its key applications.
Ramping up user assistance for Progress Pacific
If you’ve used Progress products for a while, you might have noticed how our focus has evolved from creating solid technologies to solving tough business problems with those solid technologies. That change of focus brings the user experience front and center into our design process. Arin...
Don’t Overlook the Importance of Middleware to Database Application Performance
In this podcast Rob Steward explains why architects, designers, programmers, or DBAs have overlooked the middleware to improve database performance, and why he wrote The Data Access Handbook to help educate the community on the middleware’s importance. The podcast runs for 2:42. To listen to the...

Rob Steward April 14, 2009

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