Tag: GUI

Visually Drag-and-Drop Your Way to a Native Mobile App
Kinvey Studio allows professional developers to use their preferred processes and tools to develop mobile applications faster using a drag and drop mobile app builder.
Rob Lauer March 21, 2019
Developers and GUI Tools - Love 'em or Hate 'em?
Several members of our Developer Relations team had a Slack chat discussion to take a look at the history of GUI tools and where we think they are going.
TJ VanToll February 04, 2019
Leveraging a DevOps Perspective
DevOps is something almost everyone is thinking about—but not everyone has an action plan. Part of the problem may be that DevOps might sound like yet another complex, specialized initiative to be squeezed onto an already full plate.
Mark Troester April 22, 2015
How You Might Get Started With Cloud Computing
In making the trans-Atlantic crossing from Europe to North America recently, I was reminded of “the cloud” in a somewhat different way. All flights from northern Europe were being diverted to the “northern route” due to volcanic activity in Iceland. How amazing and unexpected to be flying over...

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