Companies have many different data resources pulling them in separate directions. If you've experienced this and are wondering how to unite them again, the answer may come from Platform-as-a-Service deployments and related tools. Synchronizing disparate sets of information and making them all...
As a product manager, what would constitute your “dream solution”? If you’re like me, you’re looking for something that, quite simply, makes your life easier. Something that streamlines processes, reduces admin, reduces costs and actually delivers measurable value and high level results. Enter our...
We’re looking forward to the release of a new browser before the end of the year. The Progress® DataXtend® Browser for CIM will facilitate interoperability between applications used by electric utility organizations. As with our other Browsers, the DataXtend CIM Model Browser will be a free software...
Let’s face it; the novelty of SOA has worn off. It has now entered the mainstream. But, for many of the early SOA adopters, the promise of increased agility hasn’t lived up to the reality – especially when it comes to data.
First generation SOA was focused primarily on service mediation, enabling...
There have been many relatively recent dramatic improvements in hardware. Factors such as processor speed/design and network capacity appear to be making shortages of hardware resources very pre-2011. Not to mention falling prices that appear to not have hit bottom just yet. But with improving...