Tag: Internet of Things

IT Should do More Than Just “Get Over It”
The latest batch of data breaches at Target and Neiman-Marcus have raised a crescendo of concern in the media and among individuals that is certainly justified but sometimes a little off base. In particular, there’s confusion over the distinction between online privacy and online security. Some of...
The Thing(s) are Coming!
Back in 1951 when the sci-fi classic, The Thing, hit the big screen, its hokey but terrifying narrative about a hostile alien put audiences on the edges of their seats and probably made for more than a few sleepless nights.  Now, a new “thing” or “things,” to be precise, is garnering attention...
The Internet of Things Expands
A friend of mine recently told me he was surprised by an experience he had with some of his Apple products. He had downloaded a couple of games for his iPhone from the App Store. The next time he opened his iPad, the games were already there, even though he hadn’t taken any action to sync them up....

Bill Bulkeley December 15, 2011

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