Tag: MOVEit

4 Predictions for Managed File Transfer 2021
Multiple integrations, migration to cloud & mobile, BizOps, focus on security & encryption – these are just some of the priorities in file sharing for 2021.
Ways to Ensure Data Protection and Secure File Sharing of Personal Data
In today's age of the Internet, our personal data are stored on various servers, and they are continuously moving around. We need to realize how are the data handled, why it is like that, and how the process for data protection can be improved. Is there anything we can...
Fast and Flexible SharePoint Workflows with MOVEit 2020.1
Thanks to input from MOVEit users the latest release includes also: Expanded Single Sign-On (SSO), MS SQL 2019 Support, Gateway Multi-Org Support & more!
Avoiding Data Loss During A Data Migration
Large scale data migrations are a grueling process. This is why multiple failovers and automation in a managed file transfer tool will be your best option in avoiding data loss or corruption.
Learning in Today’s Environment With Online, Instructor-Led Courses
Now is the perfect time to sharpen your skills and cultivate a well-trained team. Here are three benefits of taking an online, instructor-led course.

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