DevOps is something almost everyone is thinking about—but not everyone has an action plan. Part of the problem may be that DevOps might sound like yet another complex, specialized initiative to be squeezed onto an already full plate.
Progress® OpenEdge® 11.5 is now generally available (GA), and this upgrade is the perfect way to top off your New Year. If you and your team are ready to accomplish your technology resolutions — have I got an invitation for you!
Social and mobile technologies are perhaps the most disruptive trends of our time, and they’re driving the way we create apps. Developers now want to be able to create all-purpose apps that can be used in any number of different ways on any kind of platform. They want to be able to deliver real...
The end of the year is a good time for reflection, and 2014 has left us with a lot to reflect upon. This year has been huge for rapid application development. We have seen the rise of BYOD, the growth of the wearables market, and the emergence of Node.js as a major new technology. Over the course of...