The channel community has it rough. Resellers need to find ways to stand out among their many competitors, while also devoting time to understanding a gauntlet of various vendor products and solutions. The bar for creating value is high, as well as costly and somewhat restrictive.
One way that...
Humans are inherently social. When we witness something tragic, dramatic, or something amusing – whether it’s a traffic accident, an amazing touchdown in a football game, or an entertainer’s joke, we tend to look around to see how others react. More to the point, we gather strength and knowledge from...
If you’ve used Progress products for a while, you might have noticed how our focus has evolved from creating solid technologies to solving tough business problems with those solid technologies. That change of focus brings the user experience front and center into our design process. Arin...
In today’s application development world, many options like Platform as a Service (PaaS) and cloud technologies exist, but are not used to their potential. What should be at the forefront of application development is how cloud and PaaS technologies, even in conjunction with on-premise solutions, can...
I recently had the opportunity to visit the AWS Summit event in Berlin, Germany. Apart from being completely sold out, the one thing that immediately struck me was the sheer number of developers attending. Several of the “testimonials” at the event were small start-ups who had an idea (or a...