Tag: SEC

Italian Borsa Move May Breed Brave New World of Algos
The following is an excerpt from Dr. John Bates’ recent commentary on Huffington Post, which discusses Italian Borsa’s recent decision regarding high frequency trading.    The Italian...
Tickets Please: Technology to Keep You on the Train
The ticket to preventing and deterring rogue trading could well be technology.  Although most financial services firms have some form of surveillance and monitoring technology in place, it isn't good enough to keep them from getting kicked off the regulation train. Financial services firms risk...
A postcard to Jeremy Grant

Jeremy Grant, editor of FT Trading Room at the Financial Times, recently asked for explanations "on a postcard" about why speed is a force for good in financial markets, or put another way, to explain what the benefits are of...

Encouraging Noises from the SEC
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Washington, D.C., May 26, 2010 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed a new rule that would require the self-regulatory organizations (SROs) to establish a consolidated audit trail system that would enable regulators to...

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