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Lots of articles on the web compare using icon fonts to using SVGs. Published on respected sites such as CSS-Tricks and Sitepoint, some articles advocate against Icon fonts while some are in favor of them. It’s a heated debate, but the “modern” opinion seems to be that using ...
Social Media is nothing new, but different social media networks, how they operate and who’s using them is in constant flux. What’s popular today may not be tomorrow, and who you’re talking to may change quickly. Every network isn’t for every business, and it’s important to use your resources wisely; ...
Change is in the air as the walls that so neatly separated paid, earned and owned media are slowly coming down. Is your communications team or agency ready for what’s ahead?
As I mentioned in my last blog post, the framework for all of my contributions here will be the concept of integrated...
How do we embrace new marketing technologies without losing the personal touch?
As a marketer who spent six years in IT, I was always somewhat of an anomaly wherever I worked. Several friends and former colleagues are convinced to this day that I hold some kind of engineering degree. I was...