The Digital Evolution of the Enterprise

The Digital Evolution of the Enterprise 870x220
by Sean Doherty Posted on May 23, 2016

We are entering another era of digital Darwinism, where the world is changing quickly and organizations must adapt... or face the alternative.

It wasn’t that long ago that the dot com boom took the global economy by storm, causing a major disruption to the way businesses operated. In the years since, most enterprises have successfully adapted to a web-first world—and those that didn’t aren’t around anymore. Back then, it was “adapt or die.”

Well, it’s time to say it again. Today we’re on the cusp of a similarly disruptive time in our industry. We are entering another era of digital Darwinism, where the world is changing quickly and businesses are scrambling to adapt… or face the alternative.

Organizations know that customer expectations are changing, but it can be hard to know where to turn to meet them. A better website? A mobile app? New analytics? They say that sometimes when you’re trying to find a needle in a haystack, you only find hay. To find the right solution, it’s critical to take a step back and consider a holistic approach that truly gives your customers what they want—to easily find the needle.

Customers Demand a Consistent Experience

We all spend more time on the internet with mobile devices than desktops, and we expect to have full access to apps and services just as easily while on the go as at our desk. Not only that, but we want to be able to move from mobile to desktop to tablet and back—seamlessly—and it’s essential to deliver this frictionless omni-channel experience.

However, making content more accessible won’t satisfy your customers if it’s not the right content. Today’s customers do the majority of their research before ever interacting with a sales agent, and if you’re not presenting them with (1) the information they need (2) in the right order (3) wherever they want to see it, you’ll never make it past the discovery stage and they won’t convert.

Continuous Digital Evolution Is Needed

Catching up to—and getting ahead of—these changing digital expectations is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and it’s something most businesses are either working on today or have plans to address within the next few years. If this isn’t a rising priority in your own organizational plan, you will fall behind and miss a powerful opportunity for transformation.

Enterprises are increasingly adopting a platform to manage their websites and digital properties. At the same time, they are developing plans to increase and improve customer engagement. These must all work together to allow close collaboration between IT and marketing teams, for content to be reused and for security to be maintained, all backed by actionable analytics that increase efficiency throughout the process.

Welcome Progress DigitalFactory

At Progress, we understand the needs of modern enterprises. We have seen organizations adopting various third party solutions to try and meet these needs, only to find one micro-solution can’t talk to the other, and still others seem to require hiring a team of data scientists to understand.

We knew it didn’t have to be that hard. With Progress DigitalFactory, our customers and partners gain all the tools they need to manage and grow their content seamlessly across platforms and channels. Beautiful, customizable analytics help both marketers and developers understand the customer journey, and easy scalability and security are baked in from the start.

It’s important to take a long view when considering the next step in your organization’s digital evolution. Whether you need a solution to enhance your engagement, your sites or your mobility—or a combination of the three—the most important thing you can do is work with a trusted partner to develop a comprehensive plan. At Progress, we have been empowering businesses for 35 years, and we’ve never been more excited for where we can go together.

Sean Doherty
As Chief Sales Officer for Progress for the Americas, Mr. Doherty is responsible for sales across the entire Progress digital business platform to both direct customers and partner channels. He is a seasoned sales and business development executive with expertise in leading sales teams throughout the United States and globally.
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