Contrary to what you may think, business process management (BPM) is not dead, and it won’t be on its death bed any time soon according to this report. I sometimes hear, “BPM is dead,” because a lot of technology suites are moving toward BPMS technologies, but it’s not true! Did you know BPM is delivering process efficiencies of 30-40% for many companies?
So without further adieu, and to convince you to consider learning more about BPM, here are the top 5 trends for BPM in 2014:
1) Nope: BPM’s still not dead. It’s like I said, the industry hype may not be focused around BPM, but there are many companies looking for a technology platform to help them boost their knowledge of work, coordinate work and improve work effectiveness. Is yours one of them? If so, BPM will be able to greatly help you map out, quickly change and evaluate your current business processes.
2) New business cases fuelled by mobile possibilities. Devices – e.g. cell phones, tablets, heck even watches (especially with this week’s announcement of the Apple Watch), are everywhere! And with that comes the need for workers to be intimately integrated into companies’ internal operations. There’s also a fresh opportunity for your company to get ahead and develop ways to manage operations across devices as BYOD continues to grow.
3) Coordination of exploratory work with Case Management. BPM adds a lot of value when work-to-be-done cannot be designed up front. Many organizations are realizing that Case Management application patterns are a good fit for exploring new work scenarios!
4) Recommendation systems. More success stories and good practices are emerging!
5) Core technologies ‘bed in.’ As BPM becomes more mainstream, vendors like Progress are shaping it to coincide with current business software application development capabilities. We’ll keep you current and on top of the latest application development trends.
Okay, so now that you know these trends, make sure you check out OpenEdge BPM. Why? OpenEdge BPM allows you to build competitive applications that can easily be adjusted to meet a high-speed pace of change including business requirements and market demands. Even cooler, it allows you to model your business processes – instead of coding them – so you have the flexibility to customize and modify your processes more quickly. Try our BPM Process Modeler for free now to get a better understanding of your current business processes and how OpenEdge can help.
For more information about BPM read the full report or visit our website!
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