Chicago AI Jam Session

By progress

Enterprise Generative AI Summer Jam Chicago

Thursday, July 18 | 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Randolph Tavern, Chicago

Join us in Chicago for a live generative AI roundtable and learn how to:

  • Leverage your private enterprise knowledge with generative AI

  • Increase the accuracy and relevance of LLMs’ results with real-time semantic agility

  • Decrease vector embedding costs by up to 10x and govern, secure, and operationalize private data

Take Your AI Game to the Pros with Progress MarkLogic

As generative AI is moving from incubation to production, businesses are becoming serious about three drawbacks of generative AI models: the quality and accuracy of the genAI models’ results, the security and protection of their data and IP investments, as well as the computing power necessary to process the vector embeddings.

Progress® MarkLogic® helps businesses securely leverage their enterprise data to build scalable and trustworthy genAI-enhanced applications. The MarkLogic platform combines multi-model data management with real-time, relevance-based querying and semantic capabilities to offer an adaptable foundation for genAI solutions, providing security, relevance, explainability and context to LLM’s responses.

Our product experts will give a live demonstration of the Progress semantic RAG solution.


Randolph Tavern, Chicago

188 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60601

Randolph Tavern Chicago Summer Jam GenAI


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