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5 Things You Need to Know to Get to OpenEdge 12

Webinar: April 10, 2025 11 a.m. ET/3 p.m. GMT

As Progress OpenEdge version 11.7 retires, support for it becomes limited. Continuing use of a retired OpenEdge version may result in increased product instability, security risks and maintenance costs.

Migrating to OpenEdge 12.8 means your business benefits from ongoing full support and innovation. The platform's latest version supports your applications' security, compliance and competitive edge.

The Progress Professional Services team has helped hundreds of customers plan and complete OpenEdge 12 migrations. In this webinar, they will share 5 things they have learned while supporting customers moving to version 12.

Join us to learn:

  1. What to expect during the deployment process as it relates to platform and data migration
  2. How moving from a 32-bit to 64-bit architecture adds value
  3. Which elements of your application need to change when migrating from Classic AppServer or WebSpeed to PAS for OpenEdge
  4. How to move off web objects
  5. Why CI/CD should be on your radar as we discuss flow changes to the application

With these insights, organizations can identify their optimal upgrade strategy, enabling a seamless transition to OpenEdge 12.8.



Your Speakers for the Session

Chris Longo

Chris Longo

Senior Manager, Professional Services | Progress

Chris Skeldon

Chris Skeldon

Principal Consultant | Progress


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