
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Huff Post October 10, 2011

SEC May Monitor High-Frequency Trading With Consolidated Audit Trail

Progress Software CTO, John Bates, comments on new trading regulations on both sides of the pond.

Huff Post October 7, 2011

Bank of America: The Wrong Kind of Responsive

Progress Software CTO, John Bates, comments on the Bank of America response to the Dodd-Frank Act by implementing fees for debit card users.

Pipeline October 1, 2011

Why Comply?

Reporting on his attendance at Progress Revolution in September, analyst P.J. Jakovljevic, describes Progress' breadth and depth of solutions - from OpenEdge to Arcade to Actional and beyond.

ZDNet September 30, 2011

Align expectations for project success

Reporter Michael Krisgsman, ZDNet, reports via video on Progress Software Revolution event and the need to align business goals for the most effective BPM.

Markets September 28, 2011

Regulators Seek Data

Dan Hubscher comments on new SEC Consolidated Audit Trail

Markets September 27, 2011

Global Solutions Pushed for OTC Data

Dan Hubscher discusses the impact of the data deluge on the current derivatives market

CRN September 27, 2011

New Progress Development Platform Offers SaaS Options For ISVs

Colleen Smith comments on the launch of the new OpenEdge platform from Progress Software

Business Insider September 27, 2011

Drowning In Data: Digging Out of the Digital Quagmire

Dr. John Bates on the need for companies to keep up with increasing amounts of data.  

Financial Times September 21, 2011

Transparency: A welcome trend for financial institutions of every size and type

John Bates, chief technology officer of Progress Software, says that the most significant trend capital markets are having to deal with is the altered financial environment.

Integration developer news September 21, 2011

BPM in 2011: Virtusa, Progress Team Up for RPM Education, Engagements

IT services firm Virtusa Corp. teams with Progress Software to launch a new service which extends BPM / RPM capabilities to clients.

SearchSOA.com September 21, 2011

At Progress Software event: As SOA meets new challenges, ESBs must rise in response

Progress Revolution event mentioned in article on ESB's and the increased role they play in the SOA space.

Advanced Trading September 21, 2011

Rogue Watch: Beware False Trades

Progress Software industry vice-president, banking & capital markets Dr. Richard Bentley writes a contributed piece on rogue trading and prevention.

GIGAOM September 20, 2011

How technology is changing business [Infographic]

Progress Software created an infographic based on research from Economist Intelligence Unit on the pace of business being on the rise.

Enterprise Irregulars September 20, 2011

Progress Revolution Kicks Off: @RReidy and @DrJohnBates Keynotes

Summary of the kick-off from Progress Revolution.

USA Today September 19, 2011

What might have happened in $2.3B UBS case?

Dan Hubscher of Progress Software, says history shows rogue traders can "make unauthorized changes to back-office systems," engage in trading activities that mask risk or simply get involved in risky trading that is ignored by risk managers "as long as profits are made."

USA Today Money September 16, 2011

What might have happened in $2.3B UBS case?

Progress Capital Markets industry marketing manager, Dan Hubscher comments on the UBS rogue trading case and the need for risk monitoring and prevention

USA Today Money September 16, 2011

Humans vs. computers: Which truly dominates trading?

Progress CTO, John Bates, comments on algorithmic trading and computer vs. human trading.

Advanced Trading September 15, 2011

Rogue Trader Arrested, Costs UBS $2B

Progress Software industry vice-president, banking & capital markets Dr. Richard Bentley,comments on the UBS rogue trading incident.

Markets September 12, 2011

U.K. Study Predicts Expanded Role for HFT

Progress CTO, John Bates, comments on the link between high frequency trading and market volatility.

Huff Post September 6, 2011

Let's Not Welcome Computers as Our New Overlords Just Yet

Progress CTO, Dr. John Bates discusses the frequent use of algorithms in daily life and how they relate to the financial industry as well as the dangers of relying solely on algorithms.