
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

FierceFinanceIT September 2, 2011

Doubts on Twitter feeds as market indicators

Progress CTO, Dr. John Bates discusses the debate on whether Twitter can predict stock market fluctuations.

Pipeline September 1, 2011

The Intimate Customer-Provider Relationship

Progress Software, Industry Vice President for Communication & Media, Sanjay Kumar writes on the changing model of customer service in the communications industry.

EnterpriseAPPStoday August 30, 2011

A Dozen Ways to Get the Most out of Your BPM System

Dr. M.A. Ketabchi discusses tips to get the most business value from BPM

Integration developer news August 28, 2011

KVH Uses Progress SOA Solutions To Improve Operations, Customer Service

KVH integrated communications and IT Management company, announces they will use Progress RPM products for their business.

BANK Systems Technology August 21, 2011

Reinventing Business Processes to Win Wealth Management, Lending Customers

Dr. MA Ketabchi writes on the need to reinvent business processes in the banking industry.

Glenfield Systems August 17, 2011

Sitefinity 4.2 Released

The release of Sitefinity ASP.NET CMS 4.2 follows Telerik’s commitment to deliver the most advanced web content management system while maintaining an extreme focus on usability and productivity.

CMS Critic August 10, 2011

Telerik Delivers Complete Online Customer Experience with Added Ecommerce Support in Sitefinity ASP.NET CMS

CMS Critic evaluates the introduction of the Sitefinity ecommerce module, which offers effortless online store management and real-time order processing, thus completing the online customer experience.

Business Insider August 9, 2011

From Icebergs to Autos, Effects of the Japan Earthquake Are Long-Lasting

Progress Software CTO, John Bates, writes on the long-term effects of the Japan earthquake with regards to car manufacturers and their supply chain processes.

Business Insider August 2, 2011

Financial Services Firms Wear Sunglasses at Night, Operating in the Dark

Progress Software CTO, John Bates, writes on the need for financial service firms to be able to react quickly to changing market dynamics.

The Street August 2, 2011

Exchanges Battle to Build Hacker Defenses -- the Disruptors

Progress CTO, John Bates, comments on cyber security in financial industries and risk hackers have on the markets.

PC World July 18, 2011

10 Questions for Progress Software CFO Wagner

Progress Software CFO, Charles Wagner, is interviewed by IDG's Nancy Weil on his career and his role at Progress Software.

CRN July 12, 2011

Marrying The Cloud? 7 Items To Include In A 'Cloud Prenup'

Progress Software architect, Mike Ormerod, comments on things to consider when choosing a cloud vendor.

Institutional Investor July 11, 2011

Institutional Investor's Tech 50: Part Two

Progress Software CTO, John Bates, was included on the "Tech 50" list of 2011.

Huff Post June 30, 2011

This Little Piggy Went to the Gas Market

Historically, fat finger trades were considered exclusive to equities markets. Not anymore. Dr. John Bates explains the spread of mistaken trades across other asset classes

Advanced Trading June 15, 2011

Kadima Asset Management Co-Locates for its Algo Trading Strategy

Dr. John Bates comments on Progress/Ativa  adapter being used by Kadima Asset Management

T3 June 15, 2011

Progress Software launches new RPM 2.0 software

Progress Software's RPM suite launch mentioned in latest e-issue of Transport Technology Today

Xconomy June 12, 2011

Progress Software, Led by New CEO, Buys Corticon

Progress Software acquires Corticon