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Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications
NoOps, short for no operations, is an IT environment where many of the functions needed to manage, optimize and secure IT services and applications are automated, abstracted and/or performed by someone other than a traditional centralized operations unit. NoOps is a loosely defined concept, with different vendors, analysts and customers using it to describe varying degrees of automation, the IT components it can be applied to, and which units are assigned the IT operations functions.
Akhila Karanam, first Hyderabad girl to get STEM scholarship
Akhila Karanam, a second-year student at Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, is the first recipient of the Progress Software Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM in India.
Progress announced today the first recipient of the Progress Software Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM in India. The scholarship is part of the larger Women in STEM scholarship series, supporting women’s professional development in computer science, software engineering IT and/or computer information systems in Bulgaria, India and the United States.
With many new product releases, an acquisition and greater overall demand, 2021 was a big year for Progress.
"All our customers are doing well," and the company attracted new customers during the year and has more in the pipeline.
In the light of that, Progress hired new talent around the region, including Australia and New Zealand, with some of them adding to the company's digital experience platform (DXP) skills.
Techxperts React: What the Union Budget Holds for the Future of Tech
While techxperts figure out how the RBI going to fare in the cryptocurrency game or how e-passports are going to become a reality, let us look at some prominent leaders in the industry who react to the Union Budget 2022.
Progress encourages and empowers women to pursue STEM education
Progress is a 40-year-old US-listed IT company. It acquired Chef, a global leader in DevOps and DevSecOps, for $220 million in cash, as part of an effort to advance adoption of best DevOps and DevSecOps practices in the mid-market. The company is now expanding its business in India and has new offices in Hyderabad and Bengaluru and is actively hiring DevOps engineers from India for global business.
Rethinking Tech Design with an Accessibility-First Approach
The tech industry is currently in the process of a major adjustment period. Increasingly, companies are realizing (either willingly, or painfully via lawsuit) that they need to start designing their applications and websites accessibility-first.
Best Network Monitoring Tools for 2022
Network monitoring is where business performance meets cybersecurity, making it a critical component of any organization’s development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) pipeline.
Software company Progress has launched the R1 2022 release of Progress Telerik and Progress Kendo UI .NET and JavaScript UI libraries.
The release is said to deliver powerful new UI components and advanced features for .Net and JavaScript, and is said to be the largest truly native UI component suites for Blazor, Angular and React.
How can we accelerate diversity in the tech sector?
Whenever we think about Silicon Valley, we tend to picture groups of white men in their 30s coming up with the latest tech innovation. Films and TV series about tech reinforce this demographic, with women, Black people or those with disabilities rarely getting to feature. According to analysis of Office for National Statistics figures by the British Computer Society, women accounted for just 17% of IT specialists in the UK in 2019, and Black, Asian and minority ethnic workers 18%. Just 11% of IT specialists are reported to have a disability, and under a quarter (22%) over the age of 50.
The technologies set to boost the finance sector in 2022
With every sector taking a knock these past two years, many businesses have struggled to regain any momentum they had achieved before the pandemic took hold. The finance and banking sector in particular has faced unprecedented challenges, with a 1,318% year-on-year increase in ransomware attacks in the first half of 2021, causing many businesses to focus on survival rather than growth.
Three Tips for Intrusion Prevention with Managed File Transfer
With some organizations furloughing their cybersecurity teams during the pandemic, it’s clear that each business places cybersecurity somewhere different on the scale of importance. Security is an intrinsic aspect of any managed file transfer (MFT) solution. And organizations which are new to this must be aware of the various security options in order to make an informed choice. At the other end of the scale, some MFT users are paranoid about security, so it’s important to know that MFT is not a one-size-fits-all feature.
Demystifying Grids For Developers and Designers
Designers and developers each have their own individual definition and use of grids, making the concept a relatively nebulous and unclear concept to all. To some, grids could mean layout and structure, while to others grids refer to interactive tables that manage data. Understanding the target audience is key here because there might not be a universally understandable direction which can lead designers to be misguided during the cross-collaboration process. When given the time, developers and designers can fully evaluate the user story and create a thoughtful user experience together through the use of grids. But first, we need to find common ground to work from.
The 5 leadership lessons I’ve learned from my experience as a woman in STEM and further a woman in a predominantly male-dominated industry are the following: representation matters, leading with empathy, organizations need to sponsor non-profit organizations, authenticity is pivotal, and evolving the meaning behind leader positions. I hope some of these lessons will look unfamiliar to the untrained eye. It’s become easy to suggest common life lessons such as strategic development and fostering innovation — it’s time we approach leadership from a new perspective.
5 Strategies Leaders Can Follow To Set Effective Goals For The New Year
The key to hands-on leading with empathy is building a foundation of trust rooted in assessing everyone's level of capabilities and committing a degree of accountability across the organization
What can be done about ‘The Great Resignation’?
Since the summer of this year, the UK employment sector has been hit by a new phenomenon called ‘The Great Resignation’, in which all industries are seeing staff leave, or plan to leave, their jobs in large numbers. In fact, a study from HR software company Personio of workers in the UK and Ireland showed that 38% of employees are planning to quit in the next six months to a year.
“Recruitment starts with retention”: navigating the Great Resignation
Business Reporter talks to seven human resources experts about how organizations can ease their employees back into work and avoid mass resignations as life gets back to normal.
Tips to address the most common cyber security mistakes to get ready for 2022
There is no doubt that the pandemic has catapulted cyber threats at the top of organizations' business risks list.
Almost 75 per cent of Australian businesses experienced as many as ten cyber incidents or breaches over the last year – the ACSC saw a 13 per cent increase in the cyber incidents reported.
Customer experience in 2022: What do the experts predict?
What is in store for CX and UX in 2022?
We’ve had some clues in 2021 – sustainability, inclusion, privacy, user-centricity, video, automation, empathy and trust. How will these play out in customer experience over the next 12 months?
SD Times news digest: Progress announces Fiddler Everywhere 3.0
Progress recently unveiled the newest release of its web debugging tool, Progress Fiddler Everywhere. With this, users gain support for HTTP/2, a revision of the HTTP network protocol.