Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications
What 8 Months of COVID-19 Has Taught Us About Digital Transformation
Remote work is reshaping business through 2020 and likely for many years to come. However, the rate of digital transformation to cope with this new remote working world has been breathtaking. Not all transformation initiatives work out though. This has become clear over the past eight months as COVID-19 has forced millions of workers’ to stay home.
Progress Releases Test Studio R3 2020
Progress announced the R3 2020 release of Progress Telerik Test Studio, its enterprise UI test automation platform for web, WPF desktop and responsive web applications.
Emerging from Disruption and Running with the IT Crowd
The importance of developing compelling and engaging customer experiences does not rest solely on marketing teams. Instead, it relies heavily on the tight coordination of marketing and IT collaborating for a single purpose. No matter where you sit, understanding your customers’ engagement with your company is essential for success. One of the latest corporate trends is marketing and IT teams aligning closer together to create, develop and deliver digital experiences.
Building Digital Resiliency for the Post-COVID World
At the core of ongoing efforts to develop the digital workplace is building resilience and efficiency into modern business. This is particularly true with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen an explosion in remote working as millions of workers shifted from the corporate office to home.
What’s cooking? Progress updates Chef’s configuration manager, mixes and merges other ingredients
Serial company buyer and corporate solutions merchant Progress has revealed the first updates to configuration manager Chef, its latest acquisition, since its $220m purchase completed earlier this month.
Existing components Chef Automate and Chef Infra are now combined under the label Chef Infrastructure Management, while new entity Chef App Delivery takes Chef Automate and Chef Infrastructure and combines them with Chef Habitat. Chef App Delivery was described by the company as a technology agnostic modular automation solution that delivers application and infrastructure across on-prem, hybrid and cloud environments.
Post-Acquisition, Progress Polishes Chef for Enterprise DevOps, Compliance
Since its $220 million buyout of Chef earlier this month, Progress plans to use the company’s technology to address the growing need for bringing DevOps to the enterprise. It is also working to make adoption and scaling of Chef itself easier.
Progress Optimizes Chef Portfolio
Progress announced a number of new innovations designed to facilitate adoption and at-scale deployment of Chef offerings for both new and experienced users of the DevSecOps portfolio.
Progress Reorganizes Chef Portfolio
Progress today announced updates to the portfolio of DevOps offerings it gained with the acquisition of Chef earlier this month.
Progress Releases New DataDirect Connectors for the Martech Stack
Progress announced the launch of a new set of Progress DataDirect connectors to help organizations overcome the challenge of accessing data from disparate marketing technology applications. The set includes connectors for popular CRM, marketing automation and web analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Oracle Eloqua.
Progress Fiddler Everywhere web debugging proxy comes out of beta with 1.0 release
Fiddler Everywhere 1.0 is a web debugging proxy for Mac, Windows, and Linux that enables users to inspect and debug HTTP traffic from any browser.
Version 1.0 includes an improved traffic inspector that enables users to inspect requests and responses with different formats, including Headers, Text, Raw, JSON, and XML.
Progress Introduces Fiddler Everywhere
Progress announced the launch of Progress Fiddler Everywhere, the new release of the web debugging proxy tool used by four million developers and hundreds of thousands of organizations worldwide.
Why COVID Is Driving Companies To Double Down on Digital Experiences
The economic downturn caused by COVID forced companies to make difficult decisions on budget cuts and where to reallocate their spending. At the same time, COVID drove these companies to fast track their digital efforts due to accelerated customer demand, limited in-person interactions, and remote employee needs. As a result of these two phenomena, digital experience (DX) initiatives have finally reached their tipping point, earning a spot on the enterprise decision-makers’ lists of priority investments, according to recent data we collected at Progress.
Why Chef's Sale to Progress Could Be Good for Open Source
We won't know until until the deal closes, but one consequence of Chef's pending takeover by Progress might mean there will be more open source software headed for the data center.
Progress announces latest release of Telerik, Kendo UI and Telerik UI for Blazor
Progress has announced its R3 2020 release, which includes a new lineup of developer tools including Progress Telerik UI for Blazor and Progress Kendo UI.
The best back-to-school benefits companies are offering their employees
At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, companies quickly realized the old workplace benefits—on-site meals and dry-cleaning, anyone?—wouldn't translate to remote work. Businesses raced to introduce benefits that their employees could take advantage of—and that would be most helpful— during the global crisis.
Now that the pandemic has reached the fall, companies are aiming to meet the changing needs of employees whose children are attending virtual school from home. These are some of the most innovative benefits tailored to the back-to-school season that businesses are now offering their employees.
Competition in the network monitoring world is intense but WhatsUp Gold (WUG) has always stood out for us thanks to its extreme longevity, ease of use and extensive troubleshooting features.
Progress Software Could Massively Expand Chef’s Reach Through OEM Relationships
One reason Progress Software isn’t as well-known as might be expected for a nearly 40-year-old publicly traded company valued at almost $1.7 billion is that its tools largely go to market as embedded components of some 1,700 other software developers.
That indirect distribution channel, which reaches about a 100,000 end-customers, could prove a major boon for Chef, the DevOps pioneer that Progress agreed to acquire Tuesday for $220 million.
Chef to be acquired for $220M by Progress in ‘next chapter’ for Seattle automation tech company
Business application platform Progress will acquire Seattle-based automation technology company Chef for $220 million in cash under a deal announced Tuesday.
Progress snags software automation platform Chef for $220M
Progress, a Boston area developer tool company, boosted its offerings in a big way today when it announced it was acquiring software automation platform Chef for $220 million.
Biggest technology acquisitions of 2020
Which mergers and acquisitions does 2020 have in store? If January alone is anything to go by, there will be no slowing of major deals across the industry, with security already proving to be a hot area.
Here are the biggest technology acquisitions of 2020 so far, in reverse chronological order: