Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications
Javascript Based Mobile App Framework Native Gets Bumped to 4.0
The open-source Javascript based framework for delivering cross-platform native iOS and Android apps - NativeScript 4.0 from Progress has been announced. With a new development workflow, support for advanced navigation scenarios and deeper integration with Vue.js, NativeScript 4.0 aims to let developers create cross-platform mobile apps faster.
Do You Recall A Time When We Used to Recall Vehicles?
Ruban Phukan,VP Product, Cognitive-First, Progress, explains why fixing what’s broken is not the best approach to fixing known faults in vehicles. Predictive maintenance is a far smarter option. It combines IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics to reduce costs, increase convenience and improve safety.
Progress Launches DIY Anomaly Detection on Amazon Web Services
US software company Progress has launched a service on Amazon Web Services, Progress DataRPM, that enables organisations to upload sensor data gathered from industrial systems and get back information on performance anomalies that could indicate potential problems, or possibly imminent failure.
DBTA 100 2018 - The Companies That Matter Most in Data
The IT landscape continues to evolve. The diverse influences impacting the IT scene today include expanding streams of Internet of Things data, the interrelated forces of virtualization and cloud technologies, the need for real-time computing, the rise of data lakes, and the continuing demand for high-level data analytics. Along with those trends, there are also pressing business requirements for high availability and performance, intensifying demand for self-service data access, and a growing understanding of the need for data governance and data quality in light of strict regulatory requirements such as GDPR.
SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Vue Vixens
A new program, project and community was launched this year with a mission to introduce women to the open-source JavaScript framework Vue. While there are a variety of framework communities for women in the programming industry such as Django Girls, Rails Bridge, and ng-Girls, Jen Looper, developer advocate at Progress, saw a lack of community in the Vue.js space. Out of that lack of community, Vue Vixens was born.
One of the first things cloud architect Bill Zack did after moving from Connecticut to Nashville in 2013 was to form a Microsoft Azure User Group. Launched with just four initial members, the Nashville Azure User Group has a membership well above 800 and growing.
Is the JavaScript Fatigue Real?
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming language in the world. There are approximately 21 million developers worldwide using the language as their number one choice. That is about 70 percent of the world’s developer population, according to Progress.
Why Future Applications Must Be Cognitive-First
Software, like bread, has changed. Up until somewhere around the 1960s or 1970s, bread came in one packet, made of one type of flour, formed into one basic shape – across most world cultures.
In the modern era of personalization and consumerism, that type of standard product or service delivery clearly doesn’t exist anymore. Choice, has become everything.
Tips for building AI into Mobile Apps
Apps are getting smarter, which is affecting what developers do and how they do it. While programmers don’t have to be AI experts to include intelligent elements in their app, they should understand something about what they’re building into their app and why.
Winning the War for Talent in Artificial Intelligence
There’s a revolution happening in enterprise artificial intelligence (AI), but is there enough skilled AI talent coming through to take advantage?
Imagine – A Chatbot You Actually Want To Chat With? Here’s How It’s Possible
As consumers, do we look to the experience or do we look to the result when dealing with brands?
An enjoyable interaction with a brand counts for nothing if we don’t end up with what we want, no matter how charming the sales person was. However, the same can be said if we end up with the thing we want but only after a charmless, cold and unenjoyable experience to get to that point.
Open Source NativeScript 4.0 for Mobile Apps Released
The release of NativeScript 4.0 was yesterday announced by Progress, the primary backer of the open source framework for building cross-platform, native mobile apps with JavaScript-based tools. Besides plain JavaScript, those tools include TypeScript, Angular and Vue.js, and Progress touted day-one support for the latter two, specifically Angular 6 and Vue.js, an open source JavaScript framework for building UIs.
Logic In Layers: Progress Offers Front-End To Back-End Software Platform
There is software application development, or programming if you wish to use the term. Then there is software application deployment, or release management, orchestration and all forms of DevOps (developer-operations) tooling, which exists to keep our software alive once it has been created. While developers will always be the darlings of the industry at the ‘front-end’, the deployment and maintenance ‘back-end of your always-on cloud-based software is now gaining more attention.
Progress Ups Front-End & Back-End Developer Tools
Progress has (logically enough) filled its week with a bushel of product announcements to coincide with its NEXT 2018 conference, which was staged this month in Boston, Massachusetts. Among the platform and tools updated at this time is the release of Progress Sitefinity 11.
Progress CEO: The Questions are the Same, but the Answers are Different
Progress staged its NEXT 2018 conference in Boston, Massachusetts this May 2018 with a specifically upfront developer focus in almost all of its product updates.
Progress and AWS Offering Self-Service Industrial IoT Solution
Progress has released a new DataRPM self-service anomaly detection and prediction option for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market. Provided within a new R&D-specific license, the first-of-its-kind offering will empower R&D and innovation groups with better decision-making capabilities for IIoT proof-of-concept (POC) and pilot execution.
Progress announced the latest version of its open-source framework for cross-platform, native iOS and Android app development at its annual conference ProgressNEXT in Boston this week. NativeScript 4.0 is designed to ease mobile development with a new streamlined development workflow, support for advanced navigation scenarios and deeper integration with Vue.js.
Progress Releases NativeScript 4.0
Progress has announced the release of NativeScript 4.0, an open source framework for delivering cross-platform, native iOS and Android apps. NativeScript apps are built using JavaScript, or by using any language that ‘transpiles’ to JavaScript, such as TypeScript.
Progress Labs Early Incubator Focus: Blockchain, AR/VR plus 'Microapps’
Progress staged its ‘Next 2018’ conference and exhibition programme this week in a blustery Boston, Massachusetts. The event was designed to showcase the ‘current version and iteration’ not just of the Progress software application development and deployment platform… but also to showcase the ‘current version and iteration’ of Progress itself — because the company has over the years switched its focus (that’s an observation, not a criticism) to align itself to what is undeniably an always-changing software market.
Progress with AWS Offers 'First' IIoT Self-Service Option for Anomaly Detection and Prediction
Progress. It's not just a thing or a concept, but a company which bills itself as "the leading provider of application development and deployment technologies".
The company has just announced the availability of its new "Progress DataRPM self-service anomaly detection and prediction option for the Industrial Internet of Things market".