
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Retail Technology UK January 30, 2015

Vertu motors streamlines application and website delivery

Vertu Motors, the UK’s sixth largest motor retailer, is using the Progress OpenEdge platform to deliver showroom and backroom applications and websites to improve the sales process for employees and customers, in support of the company’s ambitious growth plans.

Computerworld UK, January 30, 2015

Car dealership Vertu Motors cuts app development time by two thirds with Progress OpenEdge

UK car retailer Vertu Motors cut production time of its crucial applications by two thirds after bringing development back in-house. The dealership used Progress OpenEdge to develop its sales and distribution systems.

IT Business Edge January 28, 2015

Speed, New Demand from SMBs Mean Business Apps Set to Take Off

It is clear that businesses are using more apps for more granular and sophisticated tasks. A variety of dynamics are driving that usage and the way in which enterprise apps are changing as their importance grows.

Website Magazine January 28, 2015

Stop Blocking Your Apps’ Success: 5 Ways to Unleash Their Brilliance

Mobile apps are launched every day, yet 80 percent of them are deleted almost immediately. Enterprise apps that take months to develop are ignored by staff once deployed. On the other hand, some apps thrive, build tons of followers and become the lifeblood of organizational efficiency.

Business Solutions January 22, 2015

How To Monetize IoT: Build Great App Experiences

Like many phenomena, the Internet of Things (IoT) is sweeping across the planet like a polar vortex, leaving businesses scurrying to prepare. The buzz is not so much about the here and now, but in the boundless potential it represents — and how to best tap it. So how do you prepare for a concept?

Hubspot January 21, 2015

15 Examples of Brilliant Website Homepage Design

What makes a website's homepage design brilliant instead of blah? Well, it takes more than looks alone -- it also has to work well. That's why the most brilliant homepages on this list don't just score high in beauty, but also in brains.

CMSWire January 20, 2015

Telerik Exec Dishes on New Release, JavaScript's Momentum, More

Progress Software just debuted the latest version of the Telerik application development platform for mobile development.

Programmable Web January 16, 2015

Progress Unfurls Update to Telerik Cloud Platform

Progress Software is starting the new year with the release of an upgrade to the Telerik mobile application development platform in the cloud that enables developers to create applications using JavaScript that can run native, on the Web or in a hybrid fashion.

App Developer Mag January 16, 2015

Progress Releases Updates to Telerik App Development Platform

Progress has released the latest version of Telerik, its device and OS agnostic mobile development platform that combine UI tools and cloud services to build apps.

Visual Studio Magazine January 15, 2015

eWeek January 15, 2015

Progress Launches New Telerik Platform Release

Progress Software delivers its first release of the Telerik Platform for building mobile and cloud apps since acquiring the company last year.

Application Development Trends January 15, 2015

Telerik Platform Gets Cloud Mobile Development Updates

The Telerik Platform has been updated with more cloud mobile development features after a year on the market, new owner Progress Software Corp. announced.

Digjitale January 14, 2015

Integration Developer News January 2, 2015

Progress, DataStax Partner on Enterprise Data Integration for Apache Cassandra

Progress teams up with DataStax, the company that offers Apache Cassandra to the enterprise, on an enterprise-ready data connectivity and integration solution.

Technuter December 29, 2014

2014 overview and Trends for 2015 by Mr. Ramesh Loganathan

Ramesh Loganathan recaps the 2014 technology landscape in India and shares his predictions for 2015.

SearchSoftwareQuality December 23, 2014

Forbes December 23, 2014

Mobile Trends Report Shows Why Enterprise Vendors Are Investing In Mobile

As the popularity of mobile app dev continues to grow, companies like Progress are investing in the right tools to bring mobile application development to the enterprise.

TechCrunch December 20, 2014