
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Application Development Trends September 9, 2014

Enterprise Apps Tech September 9, 2014

What’s in store for enterprise app devs with iPhone 6 and iOS 8?

Lee Andron outlines the top iOS 8 features for developers.

InformationWeek September 3, 2014

Science Recorder September 3, 2014

IT News Africa August 26, 2014

Is consumerisation forcing businesses to rethink IT?

Karen Padir explains how companies can use technology as an advantage when it comes to consumerization.

Website Magazine August 21, 2014

Falafel Blog August 21, 2014

Wired August 21, 2014

Software -- and a Woman -- at the Heart of Lunar Triumph Publication: Wired

With the recent anniversary of the Lunar Landing, Karen Padir takes a look at the roles of women and software.

ABC Australia August 20, 2014

Platform as a Service: Why cloud platforms hold the key to faster business success

Stephen McNulty explains the benefits of using platform as a service (PaaS) to develop business applications.

Huffington Post UK August 19, 2014

Why Productivity V Control Is a Simple Matter of Proportionate Force

Gary Calcott dives into the control vs. productivity debate as it relates to successful business application development.