Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications
Colleen Smith - Agility in the Cloud
Colleen Smith explains how cloud gives businesses better options for agility.
Progress CTO talks Twitter, the IT skills gap and climbing the corporate ladder
Karen Padir shares her thoughts on addressing the IT skills gap and why Twitter is an important tool, even for an executive.
Sonata strengthens next gen application Development in India with Progress Pacific
One of the largest infrastructure providers, Sonata Software brings Progress Pacific PaaS to India.
Why Mobile App Developers Turn to PaaS
Karen Padir explains how PaaS can help mobile app developers ease challenges in the era of BYOD.
Open Integration Principles – The Antidote for Lock-In
Karen Padir outlines the major problems with vendor lock-in when it comes to cloud services, and offers some rules of thumb for moving to the cloud.
Cloud sprawl: how best to manage your cloud instances
Mark Armstrong shares his thoughts on how businesses can manage the headache of dealing with cloud workloads.