
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Cloud Channel TV April 9, 2014

Security in the Cloud

Colleen Smith explains security concerns when it comes to storing data in the cloud.

Enterprise Innovation April 9, 2014

Automating decision-making in healthcare: in Asia and beyond

Mark Allen shares his thoughts on the top healthcare IT priorities in Asia-Pacific.

Microscope April 1, 2014

The channel must value variety in its big data strategies

Mark Armstrong explains why the channel should value data variety.

Cloud Channel TV March 31, 2014

Future of IT

Colleen Smith says it's the first time for the software industry where what's happening in the consumer market is driving what's happening in the enterprise.

Cloud Channel TV March 27, 2014

Marketing in the Cloud

Colleen Smith describes how marketing has changed with shifts in technology and why it's important to drive a balance between education and selling.

Information Week March 24, 2014

Huffington Post March 24, 2014

InformationWeek March 20, 2014

CRN UK March 20, 2014

A steady-as-she-goes Budget in the box

What will The Chancellor do with his budget for 2014? Gary Calcott suggests spending it on providing easy-to-use programming technology to children.

MIS Asia March 20, 2014

The need for Business Rules Management: Progress

Mark Allen explains why every business needs a business rules management solution.

Cloud Channel TV March 20, 2014

Colleen Smith - Differentiate in the Cloud

Colleen Smith explains how to make the right decisions for your business when moving to the cloud.

ComputerWorld UK March 19, 2014

British Chambers of Commerce hopes Budget 2014 will boost apprenticeships

Gary Calcott says if 2014 truly is the year of code, children of all ages should be given hands-on access to programming technology focused on ease of use.