
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Business Cloud February 5, 2014

Is Platform-as-a-Service the new black?

Ramesh Loganathan draws a parallel between the trend of Platform as a Service adoption and fashion.

Wired Innovation Insights February 3, 2014

New Year, New Data Trends

Tony Fisher shares the idea behind the Progress DataDirect Connectivity Outlook Survey.

Mobile Enterprise January 31, 2014

Visual Studio Magazine January 31, 2014

Data Survey: Microsoft Fending Off Challengers, for Now

Progress DataDirect Connectivity Outlook Survey results reveal Microsoft is maintaining its lead in the big data space but new players may be coming to the forefront.

Heise Developer Germany January 30, 2014

ABC January 30, 2014

Business app creation: Citizen Developers and Application Escalation

Peter Fuller defines the challenges that exist for the citizen developer.

Huffington Post January 29, 2014

What ISVs Can Learn From 'Wacky Races'

Gary Calcott explores how ISVs are combating the competitive landscape of application development.

Information Age January 29, 2014

The Rising Stars of Big Data

Karen Padir notes the significance of movement from on-premise to cloud-hosted applications for SMBs in the wake of IBM selling its low-end server business.