
Press Coverage

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Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Cybersecurity Insiders January 9, 2023

The Four Keys to Achieving an Optimal Application Experience

To this point, many businesses have failed to look at application experience (AX) management holistically, as its own challenge with its own set of distinct––and interlocking––solutions. This oversight has been to their detriment.

Recruiting Daily January 6, 2023

Tips for Overcoming Hiring Challenges in the Global IT Industry

The talent shortage facing today’s global IT industry is undeniable, and it’s no secret that there are more jobs to fill than there are qualified candidates to fill them. Consider this: by 2030, a projected global human talent shortage of 85 million people could result in about $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenues, according to studies. 


Forbes January 4, 2023

Metadata Management Matters, Progress To Acquire MarkLogic

Data is differentiated and diverse. Sometimes we talk about data being multi-model, a data model being the abstract underlying logic that determines the relationship each piece of data we wish to manage might have with another piece.


SiliconANGLE January 4, 2023

Progress acquires NoSQL data integration engine MarkLogic

Progress Software Inc. today announced a deal to acquire MarkLogic Inc., the maker of a NoSQL database management system that’s primarily used for enterprise data integration.


e27 January 4, 2023

Growth and evolution do not have to mean upward mobility: Sara Faatz of Progress

Sara Faatz is Director (Developer Relations) at Progress. She has spent most of her career in the developer space, building community, producing events, creating marketing programs and more.


CPO Magazine December 27, 2022

How Organizations Can Benefit From Thinking About Their Critical Application Infrastructure Like a TSA Security Line

In any modern, digital-centric organization, application and network infrastructure must work together to provide an application experience that is both fast and secure. Compromising on either means organizations simply can’t work with optimal efficiency, and in the worst-case scenarios, poorly performing application infrastructure can impact everything from user experience and customer satisfaction to cybersecurity.

e27 December 22, 2022

Empathetic software development: Creating accessibility-first apps for greater inclusivity

Accessibility-first apps require developers to consider each end user’s unique conditions and challenges. By taking into account different backgrounds and abilities, the app development process becomes more inclusive to wider groups of users.


BetaNews December 22, 2022

How software engineering teams can prepare for 2023

Amidst a fast-moving labor market and fast-growing IT industry inducing constant change, one thing is certain -- software application development teams are under pressure to deliver higher quality user-focused products, securely -- and at pace.


FE News December 21, 2022

Putting the ‘Human’ back into HR – How to support your colleagues in 2023

With Covid cases gradually back on the rise, murmurs of general strikes, and the ongoing  cost-of-living crisis all fighting for attention at once, it’s very understandable that your workers might be feeling incredibly tense at the moment.


Recruiting Daily December 19, 2022

12 Creative Ways to Source Candidates In 2023

What’s one creative way to find excellent candidates?

To help you discover creative ways to source candidates, we asked hiring managers, recruiters and business leaders this question for their recommendations. From asking your clients for referrals to holding an open house, there are several creative ways to locate job candidates outside traditional sources.


Business Reporter December 13, 2022

Codifying Endpoint Management

The dramatic shift to remote and hybrid work styles has challenged IT teams to handle this change without putting customer and employee experiences at risk or disrupting business continuity.

However, one of the biggest challenges is the endpoint management of their expanding ecosystems.


Authority Magazine December 12, 2022

Thriving As A Woman In a Male-Dominated Industry: Sara Faatz of Progress On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and Succeed as a Woman In a Male-Dominated Industry

Be Self-Aware — It’s easy for us to think of self-awareness as only being in touch with the negatives or areas for improvement. It is super important that you have self-awareness about your whole being. This includes the good. Be truly honest with yourself about what you are good at and what might need more work. If you can see your strengths and weaknesses, it’s easier to leverage them to build confidence.


Database Trends and Applications December 8, 2022

Product Spotlight: Progress

With greater amounts of data coming from more sources, organizations know more about their business than ever before—and can make more informed decisions. However, holding this increased amount of information and using it for the purposes of business intelligence and analytics comes with certain expectations—namely, adhering to privacy and security regulations. If GDPR and CCPA has taught organizations anything, it’s that privacy and security must be priority number one. That’s where Progress DataDirect can help. DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline was created not only with the ability to access multiple data sources and populate strategic data into your preferred BI or Analytics solutions but also with security top of mind.

HR Daily Advisor December 8, 2022

Faces of HR: Dr. Shirley Knowles on the Importance of Listening, Valuing Talent & Taking Action

Progress isn’t only the company’s name, it’s what the company wants to achieve. The same rings true for Dr. Knowles in the field of diversity and inclusion. In her role, and the first Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer hired by Progress, she works directly with Progress’ executive leadership team and Board of Directors, serves as chair of the employee-led Inclusion and Diversity Committee, and works closely with Progress’ employee resource groups (ERGs) to develop strategies, initiatives and practices that support and advance a respectful, equitable and inclusive workplace for all employees.

Spiceworks December 7, 2022

Inclusion & Diversity Predictions for 2023 and Beyond

Shirley Knowles, Chief I&D Officer, Progress, discusses the evolving state of Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) today, such as talent issues – like representation and pay equity and how there’s new pressure from customers and investors alike for organizations to take a stand, move the needle, and show up for inclusion in meaningful, authentic, and measurable ways. 


DevOps.com December 5, 2022

Survey Surfaces Raft of DevSecOps Cultural and Technical Challenges

A global survey of 606 IT, security, application development and DevOps decision-makers found that the biggest barrier to adoption of DevSecOps best practices is cultural rather than technical. However, the survey, which polled organizations with more than 500 employees and was conducted by Progress, also found only 16% of respondents planned to prioritize addressing those cultural issues in the next 12 to 18 months.

Cyber Protection Magazine November 30, 2022

Computer Security Day: How to tackle ever advancing cyber threats

When Computer Security Day was started in 1988, few could have imagined just how vital cybersecurity would become. As technology has advanced, cyber crime has evolved right alongside it, and now costs the UK economy around £27 billion each year.


Network Computing November 25, 2022

How Cloud Computing Adoption Has Accelerated in the Remote Work Era

Our personal and professional lives are fundamentally shaped by technology, and there is, to a growing extent, an increased reliance on cloud computing for remote work today.

Authority Magazine November 24, 2022

Prashanth Nanjundappa of Progress On Becoming Free From The Fear Of Failure

Talk about failures. They are a great source of valuable learnings. If you had one successful launch and three other projects that never saw the light of day, talk about all four. Because if you don’t, that will persist the cultural narrative that we should only go after success, not growth.


ZD Net November 23, 2022

DevOps is hot but most IT pros say practices need improvement

To advance in a technology-focused career, it's important to embrace the practice of DevOps, which take collaboration and automation to a whole new level. However, despite years of work and yes, hype, most DevOps practitioners are not happy with the state of DevOps within their organizations.