
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Cyber Protection Magazine May 25, 2022

GDPR and the Future of Data Regulation

The 25th May marks four years since the introduction of GDPR – the landmark law which governs the way organizations operating within the EU can use, process and store consumers’ personal data. In this time, hefty GDPR fines have ensured that non-compliance is a costly mistake for both large and small businesses, with high-profile cases against the likes of British Airways, Marriott Hotels and Amazon dominating headlines.

Forbes May 23, 2022

The ‘As-Code’ Automated Enterprise, Progress Serves Up Chef

Software has ingredients. Predominantly consisting of software code at the most fundamental level, software applications and their elemental constituent parts are created by bringing together ingredient parts, often according to a specific recipe (or at least via some form of guiding cooking instructions) with additional nuances of functional spice that go towards deciding whether or not users will find the resulting product palatable.

Cyber Protection Magazine May 23, 2022

WannaCry: Ransomware defense, five years on

In 2017 the largest ransomware attack in history – WannaCry – swept across the globe, infecting a quarter million machines in more than 150 countries. In the UK, the NHS was hit particularly hard, with a third of trusts impacted, 19,000 appointments cancelled, and a total cost of £190 million.

eweek May 20, 2022

CX in 2022: From Jargon to Journey Mapping, What are the Major Trends?

We’ve heard the predictions for CX and UX for this year, but how these are playing out in reality matters more so that organizations keep a competitive edge.

This year, in digital experience platform (DXP) and DevOps environments, we’re already seeing some major trends and changes, from security and usability to skill sets and language, which will all provide a huge advantage for developers, customers and organizations.

HelpNetSecurity May 12, 2022

Progress Chef Cloud Security improves security and compliance outcomes for customers

Progress released Progress Chef Cloud Security, extending DevSecOps with compliance support for native cloud assets and enabling end-to-end management of all on premise, cloud and native cloud resources.

DevOps.com May 12, 2022

Progress Expands Scope of Compliance-as-Code Capabilities

Progress this week extended its DevSecOps portfolio—built atop the Chef automation framework it acquired in 2020—to now include the ability to programmatically address compliance mandates.

At the same time, Progress has updated the Progress Chef InSpec framework for automating the discovery of compliance issues to add support for SAP ASE, IBM DB2, Mongo, Cassandra, Oracle, MS SQL platforms along with RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu and macOS Monterey.

iTWire May 11, 2022

Progress Chef Cloud Security applies DevSecOps to cloud-native assets

Infrastructure software provider Progress has released Progress Chef Cloud Security, which provides DevSecOps teams with end-to-end management of all on premise, cloud and native cloud resources, as well as helping keep native cloud assets in compliance with policies.

CSO Online May 11, 2022

Progress launches Chef Cloud Security to extend DevSecOps to cloud-native assets

Infrastructure software provider Progress has announced the launch of Progress Chef Cloud Security to extend DevSecOps with compliance support for native cloud assets, enabling end-to-end management of on premise, cloud, and native cloud resources. In a press release, the company stated that the offering is complemented by new capabilities across the Chef portfolio targeting DevOps success in enterprise deployments to deliver a unified and scalable platform that accelerates the delivery of secure and compliant application releases in mixed computing environments.

DevOps Digest May 11, 2022

Progress Telerik and Kendo UI Updated

Progress announced a series of updates in Progress Telerik and Progress Kendo UI.

With these releases, Progress now delivers nearly 100 UI components for Blazor, the most comprehensive library of UI components for .NET MAUI and advanced features that transform the developer experience and enhance productivity across the range of .NET and JavaScript frameworks.

TechBeacon May 5, 2022

Building secure and compliant cloud-first infrastructure

Minimizing risk doesn't have to mean compromising velocity and agility. The DevSecOps approach introduces security and compliance practices at every phase in the software development lifecycle, allowing development, security, and operations teams to collaborate more effectively.

Cyber Protection Magazine May 5, 2022

Password, qwerty, 123456: Leaving bad habits behind on World Password Day

Isn’t it ironic that in 2022, we’re still using one of the most broken systems for authentication ever? Even Julius Caesar hated passwords and preferred his own cipher to communicate instead. However, within organizations of all sizes, passwords remain commonplace.

Business Reporter May 5, 2022

World Password Day 2022: Contending with the evolving threat landscape

World Password Day serves as a crucial reminder that as technology advances, so does the relentlessness and sophistication of threat actors, ransomware and cyber attacks. Indeed, with malicious actors constantly honing their craft and cyber-security incidents on the rise, the length, variety and frequency with which we update our passwords must progress at the same pace.

FE News April 27, 2022

Backup 101: How can organizations protect data in the digital age

As our reliance on technology continues to grow so should our awareness of the importance of backing up our data. 

DevOps Digest April 25, 2022

Why Developers Need to Incorporate Mobile Accessibility Into Design

It's 2022 and a larger segment of any modern app's user base comes from mobile form factors. It's no longer enough that developers create apps that are simply functional and visually appealing — they need to be accessible as well.

DiversityQ April 21, 2022

Mind the Career Gap: Supporting Women in Technology

The number of women represented in the UK technology sector remains a minority – just 30% in 2021. The stats are even less encouraging when it comes to leadership roles, where women make up just 10%. If these numbers are to change, businesses need to be making real change. There has been a huge focus in the industry on supporting young women and girls looking to break in, but more work must be done to support the women already there.

JAXenter April 14, 2022

Making DevSecOps an automated reality

It’s no secret that DevSecOps with its speedy delivery and reduction in risk can accelerate the pace of digital transformation. In this article, Michelle Sebek, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Progress discusses the role of DevSecOps in digital transformation and policy-based DevSecOps automation architecture.

Authority Magazine April 11, 2022

The Great Resignation & The Future Of Work: Katie Kulikoski Of Progress On How Employers and Employees Are Reworking Work Together

When it comes to designing the future of work, one size fits none. Discovering success isn’t about a hybrid model or offering remote work options. Individuals and organizations are looking for more freedom. The freedom to choose the work model that makes the most sense. The freedom to choose their own values. And the freedom to pursue what matters most. We reached out to successful leaders and thought leaders across all industries to glean their insights and predictions about how to create a future that works.

As a part of our interview series called “How Employers and Employees are Reworking Work Together,” we had the pleasure to interviewKatie Kulikoski.

Martech360 April 8, 2022

Optimizing Digital Experience With The Best DXP

Brands have had quite a few years to warm up and improve customer experiences, with Covid-19 forcing a reset of online customer experience which further increased customers’ expectations for faster, more personalized engagement. Now with dedicated technology that’s accessible to all organizations, memorable and remarkable communicating, browsing, and buying experiences are becoming table stakes for brands to find customers and keep them happy.

Intelligent CIO April 7, 2022

The battle for tech retention and WFA (working from anywhere)

Adapting to the modern way of working and delivering business value means employers must offer their employees flexibility above and beyond what was once the norm. Here, Ian Pitt, CIO at Progress, offers his best practice advice for business leaders looking to create a culture of belonging and develop a connected workforce in the remote working landscape.

Humans of Devops Podcast April 5, 2022

Sustainability, Accessibility and DevRel with Sara Faatz, Progress

On this episode of the Humans of DevOps, Jason Baum is joined by Sara Faatz. They discuss:

  • How Sara got into developer relations
  • Initiatives at Progress that focus on the human side of software development
  • How accessibility and sustainability plays into the human side of software development
  • Steps organizations can take to improve developer relations
  • What a sustainable and accessible future in the tech industry looks like