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Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

SearchMobileComputing July 26, 2018

Plan Your Mobile Cross-platform App Development Process

There are a variety of benefits of mobile cross-platform app development. Organizations can create two separate apps for Android and iOS or use a cross-platform framework to ensure that an app is compatible with any device.

Cross-platform development can decrease the cost of app development by saving time and resources, and it does not require developers to specialize in both Android and iOS development.

IT Brief July 18, 2018

How Chatbots Can Enhance the Customer Experience

Companies are leaning on technologies like never before – to boost operational efficiencies, enhance innovation and reduce their environmental impact. But, until recently, there wasn’t much thought given to how technology can transform a company's customer service and the overall customer experience (CX). 

CIO New Zealand July 18, 2018

Wintec Turns Website into Central Communication Hub

As geographical barriers to education have come down through flexible online learning options, higher education has become extremely competitive.

With campuses in New Zealand and China and 20,000 students from 60 countries, The Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), needed an engaging and immersive user experience to capture student interest - from enrolment through graduation. 

Reseller News July 18, 2018

Enlighten Designs Enhances Digital Experience for 20,000 Students at Wintec

Enlighten Designs has deployed a web content management system to overhaul the digital capabilities of the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), in a move impacting more than 20,000 students.

The Hamilton-headquartered specialists joined forces with Progress, a provider of application development and digital technologies, while also leveraging Microsoft solutions.

MobileAppDaily July 16, 2018

Best Front-End Development Tools In 2018

This year is already buzzing with new updates and launches, and being in a tech domain, frontend development has attained unprecedented heights. With the evolution of the web technologies over the years, frontend development tools have also mushroomed nicely.

IoT Agenda July 12, 2018

From Words to Action: Implementing AI

Artificial intelligence is a theme that has dominated the world of technology for some time now, and it looks like it will continue to do so through the near future. From conversational chatbots to predictive maintenance for machines, AI has quickly gone from being a mere competitive advantage to being a business necessity. It doesn’t come as a massive surprise, then, that Gartner has predicted that AI technologies will be in almost every software product by as soon as 2020.

Robotics Business Review July 11, 2018

How Smarter Robots Will Disrupt Logistics

Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence continue to drive the industry, but nowhere is this more evident than in today’s modern supply chain. With speed and efficiency improvements, these technologies are reshaping the future of logistics in all facets of the global supply chain

CMS Connected July 10, 2018

Progress & Ucommerce: Bringing Content and Commerce Together

For us here at CMS-Connected, new strategic partnerships and opportunities are really exciting for us, especially when we hear about them first-hand and can give our wonderful viewers exclusive intel.

With that being said, when we attended the ProgressNEXT 2018 event in Boston from May 29 – June 1st of this year, we were excited to hear about the new partnershipbetween Progress Software and Ucommerce, a fully featured .NET based eCommerce platform.

IDG Connect July 2, 2018

Automation Tools Promise to Accelerate Machine Learning

Dreaming up obscure insults might be a good way to pass the time in a bar, but it’s a strange day job. Nonetheless, it’s a serious business if you are trying to train a machine to spot unacceptable online behaviour. Data scientists not only need to provide training data; they also need to describe which language is likely to offend within that data. The process, known as annotation, is just one of the laborious tasks data scientists face that IT firms are promising to make easier with automation. Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM are offering a raft of technologies to automate machine learning processes (see box). But smaller firms are providing more niche technologies.

Becker’s Hospital Review June 22, 2018

Building a Mobile Healthcare App Without Breaking the Bank

For many years, healthcare organizations were skittish about adopting new digital tools and technology due to concerns around compliance and interoperability.

However, with digital transformation driving massive innovation in other industries, healthcare organizations have realized they need to embrace new technologies and tools to deliver a better, more engaging experience to patients.

SD Times June 21, 2018

Industry Spotlight: Web Development Tools, Frameworks Evolve Quickly

Changes in technology have led to changes in how web applications are created. And that has caused some consternation among web developers.

A decade ago, the development choice was to use .NET or Java, which meant WPF or ASP.NET for Microsoft developers. Java has been a bread-and-butter language for a long time, so that’s a safe bet. And Microsoft was known for 10-plus years of support for technologies, and even when they changed, the company always made sure everything was backward-compatible. So that was also seen as a safe bet.

App Developer Magazine June 21, 2018

Javascript Based Mobile App Framework Native Gets Bumped to 4.0

The open-source Javascript based framework for delivering cross-platform native iOS and Android apps - NativeScript 4.0 from Progress has been announced. With a new development workflow, support for advanced navigation scenarios and deeper integration with Vue.js, NativeScript 4.0 aims to let developers create cross-platform mobile apps faster.

IoT Now Transport June 21, 2018

Do You Recall A Time When We Used to Recall Vehicles?

Ruban Phukan,VP Product, Cognitive-First, Progress, explains why fixing what’s broken is not the best approach to fixing known faults in vehicles. Predictive maintenance is a far smarter option. It combines IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics to reduce costs, increase convenience and improve safety.

IoT Hub June 19, 2018

Progress Launches DIY Anomaly Detection on Amazon Web Services

US software company Progress has launched a service on Amazon Web Services, Progress DataRPM, that enables organisations to upload sensor data gathered from industrial systems and get back information on performance anomalies that could indicate potential problems, or possibly imminent failure.

DBTA June 14, 2018

DBTA 100 2018 - The Companies That Matter Most in Data

The IT landscape continues to evolve. The diverse influences impacting the IT scene today include expanding streams of Internet of Things data, the interrelated forces of virtualization and cloud technologies, the need for real-time computing, the rise of data lakes, and the continuing demand for high-level data analytics. Along with those trends, there are also pressing business requirements for high availability and performance, intensifying demand for self-service data access, and a growing understanding of the need for data governance and data quality in light of strict regulatory requirements such as GDPR.

SD Times June 8, 2018

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Vue Vixens

A new program, project and community was launched this year with a mission to introduce women to the open-source JavaScript framework Vue. While there are a variety of framework communities for women in the programming industry such as Django Girls, Rails Bridge, and ng-Girls, Jen Looper, developer advocate at Progress, saw a lack of community in the Vue.js space. Out of that lack of community, Vue Vixens was born.

SD Times June 6, 2018

Migrating to Microsoft Azure

One of the first things cloud architect Bill Zack did after moving from Connecticut to Nashville in 2013 was to form a Microsoft Azure User Group. Launched with just four initial members, the Nashville Azure User Group has a membership well above 800 and growing.

SD Times June 6, 2018

Is the JavaScript Fatigue Real?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming language in the world. There are approximately 21 million developers worldwide using the language as their number one choice. That is about 70 percent of the world’s developer population, according to Progress.

TechWire Asia June 6, 2018

Why Future Applications Must Be Cognitive-First

Software, like bread, has changed. Up until somewhere around the 1960s or 1970s, bread came in one packet, made of one type of flour, formed into one basic shape – across most world cultures.

In the modern era of personalization and consumerism, that type of standard product or service delivery clearly doesn’t exist anymore. Choice, has become everything.

SD Times June 5, 2018

Tips for building AI into Mobile Apps

Apps are getting smarter, which is affecting what developers do and how they do it.  While programmers don’t have to be AI experts to include intelligent elements in their app, they should understand something about what they’re building into their app and why.