
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Release September 15, 2017

Progress CEO Yogesh Gupta: “Tomorrow's applications will be smart”

Progress CEO Yogesh Gupta talks to Release about the company's recent acquisitions and cognitive-first strategy. 

Information Management September 15, 2017

Adoption of, satisfaction with, big data on the rise

A growing number of organizations are investing in big data deployments, and more of them are reporting success with those efforts.

insideBIGDATA September 13, 2017

2017 Data Connectivity Outlook

Our friends over at Progress revealed some new findings from their 2017 Data Connectivity Outlook global survey. In the 4th annual survey based on responses from 1,200 business and IT professionals around the world, the results validate the explosive growth seen in SaaS data sources and the common challenges faced when trying to connect to data in a hybrid environment.

Next Reality September 12, 2017

Plattar, NativeScript & Gadget Flow Offer Tools for ARKit Apps

The release of iOS 11 and ARKit is probably the biggest event for mobile developers since the advent of the App Store. Since ARKit is compatible with the popular AR development tools, namely Unity and Unreal, the learning curve is not very steep for developers.

Global Manufacturing September 9, 2017

The future disruptors of industry: AR, VR, and cognitive

In the early 12th century, one of the earliest innovations in production lines occurred. Workers in the Venetian Arsenal produced ships by moving them down a canal, stopping regularly to be fitted with a new part. Throughout the years since, new innovations from process to robotics have given businesses the critical edge.

TechTarget September 7, 2017

Making the final leap from IoT insights to decisions

Businesses looking to take advantage of the internet of things are deploying a wide array of digital devices and sensors, which gives them access to an unprecedented amount of raw data. However, for many businesses (especially small to midsize companies), managing all this data and capitalizing on it to the fullest extent can be difficult.

IDG Connect September 5, 2017

Enterprise GitHub projects of the week: Envoy, NativeScript, & OpenShift

Open Source is everywhere. Open Source is now the primary development model for the most successful companies, according to Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin.
“Every major category of software is being dominated by Open Source, and it is now expanding markets and creating innovation,” he said at an event last year. “Open Source has become the new norm for software development.”

InfoWorld September 5, 2017

When big data meets innovation: cognitive platforms

For the longest time, the structure of a typical business application remained the same. Implementation details could vary, but the solution invariably consisted of the front end, the business logic, and the data management layer.

Business Cloud August 31, 2017

Adopt AI or Face Path of Irreversible Decline

A boss at leading global software firm Progress says companies which don’t go all-in on artificial intelligence face “a path of irreversible decline”. Mark Armstrong is a VP and international MD at the Massachusetts –based firm which originally spun out of MIT in 1981.

InfoWorld August 30, 2017

NativeScript: Build native iOS and Android apps with JavaScript

Today, enterprise developers have an enormous number of frameworks at their disposal to build mobile applications. A popular approach is to use a framework such as Apache Cordova to build “hybrid” mobile apps, which allow developers to leverage web development skills and still tap native smartphone features like geolocation and the accelerometer. 

Release August 29, 2017

You Don't Need Another Monolithic Platform

Software platforms have come a long way over the years, ping-ponging between converged and distributed systems of processing as technology evolves. It started with mainframes (very converged), then client-server (distributed), then the web server/browser (converged again) and we are now back in a massively distributed era. Information is processed on myriad mobile platforms, voice, AR/VR, and across numerous operating systems and devices.

SearchCIO August 11, 2017

Data lake implementation: Data security, privacy a top priority

Data lake adoption can produce numerous business benefits, but data lake implementation certainly isn't devoid of challenges, according to Sumit Sarkar, chief data evangelist at software company Progress. 

SD Times July 30, 2017

Industry Watch: It’s a ‘Cognitive First’ world

Forget ‘mobile first’ and ‘cloud first.’ Modern applications being built today need to be ‘cognitive first.’ That’s according to Progress CEO Yogesh Gupta, who said intelligent applications need the capabilities to predict and to anticipate, and thereby help businesses become more successful.

Forbes July 28, 2017

Progress: A Case Study In The Productization Of Cognitive-First Applications

One thing that is clear from an examination of the tools that implement machine learning, deep learning and all the methods under the umbrella of AI: adoption will be driven by products that are operationalized, not by do-it-yourself development efforts that can take an extreme amount of time, bandwidth and budget.

Forbes July 25, 2017

How Chatbots Are About To Change Communication

If you haven't heard of chatbots yet -- or your experience is limited to novelty programs like Cleverbot -- chances are you'll be seeing more of them in the coming years. Why? Because companies are slowly starting to leverage chatbots as a way to manage basic communication tasks that used to belong solidly to the realm of human capabilities.

IT Brief July 19, 2017

Exclusive interview: Democratising data science & making AI more accessible

So far, the company has completed two acquisitions, relocated its APJ headquarters to Melbourne, and is now in the process of expanding its cognitive computing and machine learning footprint.

Inside Small Businesses July 13, 2017

How SMEs can harness the IoT alongside Google and Amazon

More than ever before, Australian businesses are investing in new technologies and harnessing data gathered through the recording of human interactions and machine activity to create new revenues and grow their businesses.

TechTarget July 10, 2017

Progress snaps up mobile BaaS vendor Kinvey to extend app dev wares

Progress' addition of the Kinvey BaaS to its app dev tools lineup adds strong back-end capabilities intended to complement its Telerik front-end mobile development platform. Kinvey -- the fiercely independent maker of mobile BaaS, or backend as a service, application development tools -- is independent no more.

IT Brief Australia July 4, 2017

How artificial intelligence can prevent machine failures

Despite rapid advances in technology, we’re still seeing many stories of product recalls, factory failures and other types of maintenance accidents repeated, year after year. Just last March, Ford recalled almost 5,000 cars locally after seven burst into flames and more than 50 caught fire overseas.

CNBC June 28, 2017

Progress Software just dropped $49 million on start-up Kinvey to help companies build smarter apps

Progress on Wednesday announced that it has acquired Kinvey, a start-up that offers a service that developers can use to build and host mobile apps that integrate with existing enterprise software systems. The deal cost Progress $49 million.