
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Baseline Magazine June 29, 2016

Why the Digital Transformation Is Stuck in Neutral

The majority of IT decision-makers fear that their company may be losing ground to competitors in launching a digital transformation, according to a recent survey from Progress. The accompanying report, "Are Businesses Really Digitally Transforming, or Living in Digital Denial?" indicates that relatively few organizations are fully immersed in digital strategy programs. However, they realize that these programs serve a vital purpose in improving customer experiences, expanding market reach and uncovering new revenue streams.

CIO June 20, 2016

IT talent biggest roadblock to digital transformation

A global study from IDT, conducted in collaboration with SAP, surveyed 81 executives (65 percent of which identified themselves as CIOs) and found that 80 percent of businesses cite digital transformation as a priority. However, according to the report, only 35 percent of respondents said their business actually had a "clearly defined digital transformation strategy."

Forbes June 14, 2016

4 Smart Fan Engagement Initiatives The Green Bay Packers Are Working On Right Now

NFL Teams are not often seen as innovators in the digital space. In most cases, they’re the last people to find out about a technology their fans have been using for years. Most teams see the social writing on the wall but battle against the truth for years, desperately clinging to the traditional shreds of last decades’ communication channels. This is not the case with Green Bay Packers who are tackling several digital and social initiatives at once.

SiliconANGLE June 8, 2016

Connectivity is king: The democratization of data | #SparkSummit

Connectivity is the theme of this interview, as Sumit Sarkar, chief data evangelist at Progress, works to enable connectivity in any direction, making it open in what he calls a “democratization of data.”

Forbes June 4, 2016

What, Exactly, Is A Digital Strategy? It Depends Upon Who You Ask

A recent survey, sponsored by Progress, finds digital transformation, where it is occurring, is happening in fits and starts, not as part of any grand sweeping strategies. Most of the 700 decision makers in the survey — which appear to be executives in charge of digital initiatives — say they are still taking incremental steps (75%), rather than having a digital strategy fully rolled out or in production.

CIO.com June 1, 2016

7 habits of highly effective developers

Great programmers aren't always the most productive ones, and the developer who gets the everyday jobs done well is much more effective than the one who occasionally reaches dizzying coding heights. And for most employers it's the area under the curve that counts, not the highest point it reaches.

SD Times May 23, 2016

SD Times blog: Telerik mostly blends into Progress

Paul Nashawaty, senior director of product and solutions marketing at Progress, was discussing the new DigitalFactory solutions the company has created to bring a more holistic view to companies across multiple types of development and deployment. Those solutions combine several Progress product lines—DataDirect, Telerik and Modulus among them—into a comprehensive suite.

CRN Magazine May 23, 2016

Progress Launches Development Platform For Digital Transformation Applications

Progress is jumping into the digital transformation arena, launching a new software development toolset that digital agencies and strategic service providers can use to build omni-channel customer engagement applications for their customers.

Loyalty360 May 18, 2016

Companies Hit Road Blocks En Route to Digital Customer Experience Transformation

According to a new global survey (“Are Businesses Really Digitally Transforming or Living in Digital Denial?) from Progress, most marketers freely support and understand the inherent benefits of “going digital,” but the majority of respondents are hitting road blocks.

Boston Globe May 17, 2016

In The Name of Progress (Software)

For Progress Software chief executive Phil Pead, a corporate rebranding has turned out to be more than presenting a new corporate face to the world. It's also about rallying employees around unifying themes.

SDTimes May 16, 2016

Progress creates DigitalFactory solutions

Organizations today understand the need to digitally transform their businesses, as customers do more shopping online and on mobile devices, yet the complexity of this transformation has made many organizations feel like they’re already too late.

ITProPortal May 16, 2016

Businesses in denial over digital transformation

Businesses have conflicting thoughts when it comes to digital transformation, a new and extensive study by Progress suggests.

Information Age May 16, 2016

Study finds businesses have two years to get digital transformation in the bag, or lose out

Businesses must transform their processes with digital technology to survive - and do it quickly, a new study finds.

Global Banking and Finance Review May 16, 2016


More than 700 decision makers surveyed on the current state of digital business– results indicate significant digital denial.

Beta News May 16, 2016

More than half of businesses are in digital denial

New research from apps, data development and integration company Progress shows that 62 percent of respondents believe their business is in denial about the need to transform digitally.

Benzinga May 16, 2016

What Will Happen To Digital After Two Years? Look At the Survey Of Progress Software

An interesting survey has been conducted by Progress on the digital living or digital denial. The company did the survey during the first quarter of 2016 by Loudhouse, which is a special research segment of Octopus Group. The survey found that businesses have less than two years to make digital inroads before suffering financial, as well as competitive losses.

Tech Republic May 10, 2016

How Chatham Financial optimized its big data for better insights

Chatham Financial serves more than 1,600 customers around the world, providing interest rates, FX (forex currency), and commodity hedge and hedge accounting. As a small and medium-sized company (SMB), it must compete with very large enterprises that have magnitudes of greater IT resources and budget. Consequently, Chatham Financial must find a way to optimize its intelligence gathering from big data at the same time that it assures the safety and the security of client data.

eWeek May 4, 2016

Telerik Launches NativeScript 2.0 for App Development With Angular 2

Progress Software's Telerik announces NativeScript 2.0 for native mobile application development with Google's Angular 2 JavaScript framework.

MediaPost May 3, 2016

Beware The Chief Digital Officer

The desire for a CDO is likely the manifestation of a larger problem, notably that your chief information officer and your chief marketing officer—and their respective teams—don’t effectively collaborate.

Information Management April 21, 2016

Advanced Data Projects May Be More Common Than Realized

Big data projects are increasingly finding their way into hybrid cloud environments, which suggests that advanced data projects may be significantly on the rise.