
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Fortune January 17, 2016

The Surprising Reason Women Are Held Back in the Workplace

The traits frequently keeping women from reaching their professional potential are the same traits that make them great leaders: empathy, the ability to multitask, and encouraging greatness in others. Today’s young workers are looking to be part of something larger, to make a difference in the world. They see wrongs and want to eradicate them. This is precisely where female leaders excel. They listen and motivate teams to achieve great things. Women bring a basket of skills to the marketplace that are hard to match, but more importantly, they are perfectly aligned to capitalize on the needs of a contemporary workforce.

DZone January 14, 2016

A Developer Evangelist's Thoughts on Angular 2

Back in December, Google finally released a beta version of Angular 2, bringing performance improvements through offline compiling, pre-rendering, and view caching. Matt Werner spoke with TJ Van Toll, a developer evangelist with Telerik/Progress Software to share his thoughts on the new release. Telerik was involved in developing Angular 2 and has implemented the language into their KendoUI and NativeScript products due to enormous customer demand.

CMS Critic January 14, 2016

Announcing the 2015 Winner of Best CMS For Marketers

The 2015 CMS Awards were the most broad yet, with new categories being added into the mix to reflect the dynamic world of web content management. The award, "Best CMS for Marketers" was one such addition. Following the nominations stage, it was a closely fought battle between three big players; Sitecore, Kentico and Sitefinity. All worthy candidates of course, but the people could choose only one winner. I'm pleased to announce that the Best CMS for Marketers 2015 is...Sitefinity.

Software Magazine December 21, 2015

The Business of Data

Organizations increasingly rely on business data to gain valuable insights to improve internal operations and predict and reflect on customer behaviors. Whatever the environment, data is an essential asset that must be managed, accessed, and analyzed to provide useful information towards a business goal or strategy.

SearchCloudApplications December 21, 2015

How IIoT and consumer IoT handle data differently

Industrial IoT applications must be able to handle large amounts of continuous data from business facilities. Find out why IIoT apps need to ensure top performance.

eWeek December 18, 2015

Google Leans on Microsoft for Angular 2 Launch

When Google introduced the beta of Angular 2 earlier this week, it did so with the help of more than 1,300 contributors to the Angular open-source project, not the least of which was Microsoft. Indeed, Google wrote Angular 2 in TypeScript—Microsoft's superset of JavaScript..."TypeScript brings a lot of productivity features that server-side developers love to the JavaScript world, such as type checking and API auto-completion," said TJ VanToll, a senior developer advocate at Telerik. "We at Telerik provide first-class TypeScript support in NativeScript, and having the same TypeScript support in Angular 2 makes it that much easier for us to integrate the two frameworks. The best thing is neither Angular 2 nor NativeScript depends on TypeScript, which means developers that want to use TypeScript get the benefits they're looking for, and those that don't aren't forced to use the language."

ProgrammableWeb December 17, 2015

Angular 2.0 Hits Beta, Brings Major Changes to the JavaScript Framework

Angular 2.0 has just hit beta stage. This brings major changes to the popular JavaScript structural framework including a new architecture, TypeScript for development, new templating syntax, and removal of version 1.x APIs…TJ VanToll, a senior developer advocate at Telerik, a Progress company, provided ProgrammableWeb a statement about Angular 2.0: "The most important part of this new version of Angular for developers is that it is no longer limited to building apps inside the browser. Angular 2 is breaking that tie to the browser and making it possible for Angular to be used in other ecosystems.”

DZone December 15, 2015

2-Minute Guide for Choosing the Best .NET-based CMS

As the demands of online consumers continue to emerge and expand, enterprises around the world look for a platform to promote their brands and products through a strong web presence. To survive, every brand and business needs to deliver seamless digital experiences across channels. And for this, it is imperative to find a CMS with features that align with business goals.

Wired December 15, 2015

Google’s Angular 2 Release Pushes JavaScript Beyond the Browser

Javascript is the standard way of building applications that run inside the browser. Created in the mid-’90s by an engineer at Netscape this fairly simple programming language has allowed even those with little coding experience to create dynamic web sites and services. But in recent years, Javascript has evolved into something more.

SearchCloudApplications December 14, 2015

How to plan for the cost of cloud computing

How much is that app you run in Azure? Or Amazon Web Services, Google, Rackspace or other cloud computing platform? As cloud app solutions fragment, with compute, storage, analytics and other services running in clouds from various providers with different pricing structures, getting a grip on the actual cost of cloud computing is no easy task. Yet, it can be done. Combine carefully chosen services with a long-term commitment and it's possible to achieve savings of as much as 74%. Like the 55-year-old song says, you better shop around.

Container Journal December 2, 2015

Kickstart Docker in Your Enterprise

The world of virtualization has continued to change and evolve over the last 15 years with VMware leading the charge. Even though the idea of containerization has been in the operations world for over 20 years it really has only taken hold in the last couple of years. One of the massive drivers of this has been the rise of Docker.

Enterprise Apps Tech December 2, 2015

Progress releases Telerik Platform 2.0 for multi-platform approach to enterprise apps

Progress has announced the latest release of its Telerik Platform, which can be used to develop for iOS, Android and Windows Phone applications faster than the previous generation.

SDTimes December 2, 2015

Progress announces major overhaul of the Telerik Platform

Progress aims to cut the time it takes developers to create enterprise mobile user experiences. The company recently announced Telerik Platform 2.0, its mobile app development platform for Android, iOS and Windows Phone apps. The latest release features a major overhaul to the platform’s look, feel and UX.

Application Development Trends Magazine December 2, 2015

Telerik Update Aims to Speed Cross-Platform Enterprise App Development

The latest edition of Telerik's cross-platform mobile app development platform is all about speed, shipping enterprise apps quicker and shortening update cycles.

eWeek December 2, 2015

Progress Launches Telerik Platform 2.0

Progress Software shipped the latest release of its Telerik Platform for mobile app development for iOS, Android and Windows Phone applications.

Tech Radar Pro November 29, 2015

Goodbye apps, hello smart agents: Are you ready for the post-app world?

Anyone who has a smartphone bursting with downloaded apps is a rare breed – and getting rarer. Apps are on the wane. According to analysts at Comscore, most people (65%) aren't downloading apps at all, and get by with whatever comes pre-installed on phones.

SearchContentManagement October 27, 2015

NetworkWorld October 21, 2015

Shape of mobility to come isn’t clear

The way businesses architect their operations to take best advantage of mobile technology, and the way they manage those mobile devices, are likely to evolve in the near future – but the precise nature of that evolution is far from obvious, according to an expert panel at the M-Enterprise event held Tuesday in Boston.