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Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Online Recruitment October 16, 2015

3 Key HR Trends in the Next 5 Years

The trends in the human resources field that we’ll be seeing in the next five years are driven by an old and yet new reality. Fast-paced industries and rapidly developing markets combined with the shortage of relevant talent push the level of competition to new heights.

eWeek October 15, 2015

10 Essential Features When Choosing a Connectivity Solution

Enterprise and consumer-oriented technology is all about speed. It wasn't always that way. With the advent of ubiquitous broadband, leaner software, fast processors, improved network pipes and new-generation application accelerating software, we're getting spoiled about how fast data can be moved and integrated.

Database Trends and Applications October 14, 2015

BI and Analytics Reach the Tipping Point

The year ahead will be marked by pronounced changes in the BI and analytics space.

Visual Studio Magazine October 13, 2015

Enterprise Apps Today October 9, 2015

'User First' not 'Mobile First' Key to App Dev

According to the State of Mobility 2015 Global Developer Study by Progress Software, 57 percent of developers are new to mobile development and 47 percent of developers build, on average, just one functional mobile app a year.

Application Developer Trends October 6, 2015

Progress Promises Free Dev Software for Education

Progress Software Corp. announced a new suite of app development software designed to be freely downloaded by students, recent graduates and new developers wanting to get help with creating enterprise-class applications.

SD Times October 5, 2015

Transforming the Web with HTML5

In the past, HTML5 has been viewed as the ugly stepchild of Web technologies. But with recent advancements from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), HTML5 is quickly becoming the preferred solution for developing for the Web.

SD Times October 5, 2015

Progress offers free business app tools for developers

Progress is offering a free development toolkit to help developers build next-generation business apps. The new solution will be offered as a classroom edition of the company’s OpenEdge Developer Kit.

Tech Beacon October 2, 2015

Why experience trumps mobile development certifications

There's a strong demand for mobile developers, although some caution it isn't as strong as in other specializations, such as those in big data. User interfaces, payments, wearable devices, and secure mobile payments are top specialty areas for developers looking for an edge. According to Burke Holland, director of developer relations at Progress Software, the most desirable skill is in user interface development.

InfoWorld September 29, 2015

Progress Software CEO: We're honored to serve dev community

In an exclusive interview, CEO Philip Pead vows to help Progress' community of 1.7 million developers meet the challenges of a cloud and mobile world.

IT Pro Portal September 24, 2015

Everyday AI – it’s not just about robots

We live in an age where, according to Gartner, in just one year AI will be taking on many of the mundane tasks in our lives. Digital assistants – such as Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri and Google Now – might not yet be able to take out the rubbish or wash the dishes but they can recognize voice instructions and connect different search terms with sophisticated data sets to offer users relevant information. This autonomous or artificial intelligence (AI) – or in-app AI – will take the Internet of Things (IoT) to a new level.


Education Technology September 24, 2015

Coding, today's modern language

As the most recent GCSE and A-level results were announced at the end of August, there seemed to be a lot of hand-wringing in the media about the fall in the number of students studying French, German and Spanish and what that might mean for skills in the global business market. I couldn’t help but think about my own school days. Like me, you might remember hours spent learning verb tables and how to ask someone, in French, for two beers please. I never felt this would be much use in life (apart from the beer) and if I’m brutally honest, in business. I’ve forgot almost everything I learnt. 

Mobile Ecosystem Forum September 24, 2015

Industry Views: does Apple want iOS everywhere?

The extension of Siri as a digital assistant to another, important, part of Apple’s ecosystem signals an ongoing industry trend. According to Gartner, mobile digital assistants will take on tactical mundane processes such as filling out names, addresses and credit card information by the year end of 2015.  And, as Apple’s Siri and Google’s Cortana become more popular, they open up direct marketing opportunities and information engagement with users within their closed ecosystems.

eWeek September 22, 2015

Data Integration Is Key Challenge for Salesforce Users

A recent Progress Software big data survey indicated that data and application integration are major challenges for Salesforce.com users.

IT Business Edge September 21, 2015

Flawed Integration Can Destroy Data Quality and Reliability

In this slideshow, Paul Nashawaty, director of product marketing and strategy at Progress, looks at key factors organizations must consider to ensure their data remains of high quality.

Fortune September 6, 2015

What to do when someone steals your idea

Change is inevitable, but ideas that prompt change usually need buy in from others across an organization. This can be hard to achieve given today’s highly matrixed organizations. That’s why you need a solid strategy to bring others along with you. If you help them see the wisdom in your vision, you’ll have the allies you need to succeed.

eWeek August 26, 2015

Mobile App Developers Concentrate on User Interface

Though interest in using mobile apps among consumers and enterprises continues to grow, adoption of mobile application development is slower than expected, according to a Progress Software survey of 3,000 IT professionals and developers.

ZDNet August 25, 2015

Majority of developers have never built mobile apps, survey reveals

In recent years, one can be forgiven for thinking that mobile apps are the only pathway to the future, and that everyone in IT has been making the shift away from traditional server or PC applications to mobile apps -- many of which allegedly can be built and deployed at the snap of a finger. However, the reality is quite different.

Application Development Trends August 25, 2015