
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

CIO Asia July 25, 2014

Crunching data for a profitable business

With the Asian Big Data technology and services market growing, there are plenty of opportunities in the space to find an effective way to harness data.

Website Magazine July 24, 2014

Dr. Dobb's July 24, 2014

Modulus Add-on Marketplace for Node.js Developers

Modulus has released a new set of add-ons as part of its add-on marketplace.

iMedia Connection July 23, 2014

Computer Business Review July 17, 2014

8 Ways to explain platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to a five-year-old

Gary Calcott and other PaaS experts explain the simple definition of platform-as-a-service.

Diginomica July 16, 2014

How Carego International extends the reach of mobile medical care

Carego International uses Progress Rollbase to help deliver health care to developing countries

Baseline Magazine July 15, 2014

PaaS Boosts Productivity Innovation Cuts Costs

Findings from Progress-sponsored research on PaaS and the “develop your own application” (DYOA) trend.

ZDNet July 15, 2014

Amazon launches annual software subscription prices on AWS Marketplace

Progress Software is one of the companies to launch new annual subscription pricing on AWS Marketplace.

Gigaom July 15, 2014

Getting enterprise-y, AWS Marketplace adds annual software subscriptions

Amazon Web Services decides to offer third-party software, such as Progress products, on an annual subscription basis.

eWeek July 14, 2014

How Programming Languages Are Like Superheroes

Michael Benedict looks at how some of this year's biggest superhero flicks compare to our favorite programming languages.

TechRadar July 14, 2014

The New Face of Application Development

Q&A with Karen Tegan Padir discussing the DIY application development trend.

eWeek July 9, 2014

10 Reasons Why PaaS Usage is on the Rise in the Enterprise

Progress-sponsored research looks at why there is soaring demand for PaaS architecture.