
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

Advanced Trading May 15, 2012

China's Largest Bank Turns to Progress Apama For HFT Strategies

CITIC Securities will offer Progress Apama's algorithmic trading platform.

Financial Times May 15, 2012

China’s Citic in algorithmic trading deal

Dr. Richard Bentley discusses the Citic deal.

Information Management May 15, 2012

Back to Applications for Progress Software

Saugatuck analyzes Progress' recently announced strategy to refocus around its core OpenEdge product line.

SD Times May 14, 2012

Industry Watch: The added dimension to SOA

Hub Vandervoort how to use SOA in 3D.

Advanced Trading May 8, 2012

Forget the Flash Crash. Could a 'Splash Crash' Be On the Horizon?

John Bates says that the markets are vulnerable to a multi-asset flash event.

Medill Reports Chicago May 8, 2012

Forbes May 6, 2012

Two Years After The Flash Crash, Are Markets Any Safer?

John Bates comments on the second anniversary of the Flash Crash.

Integration Developer News May 2, 2012

Progress To Divest On-Premise SOA Products; Focus on Cloud, aPaaS

Progress Software is getting out of the on-premise SOA infrastructure business to focus on cloud-enabled IT.

SD Times May 1, 2012

SOA in 3D: Real-time visibility with the ability to act

Hub Vandervoort explains the importance of real-time SOA in 3D.

CIO April 30, 2012

Banks spending heavily on surveillance IT

Dr. Richard Bentley comments on rogue traders.

PC Advisor April 28, 2012

ComputerWorldUK April 27, 2012

TeleTalk April 17, 2012

Order and visibility assurance solution

Article on the optimization of business processes in the telco area.

DevProConnections April 16, 2012

Enterprise Systems April 16, 2012

The Power of Platinum: A Look at 20 Years of ODBC

Jesse Davis writes about 20 years of DataDirect.

Enterprise Systems April 16, 2012

The Power of Platinum - 20 years of ODBC

Jesse Davis reflects on the past, present and future of ODBC.

Software Development Tools April 13, 2012

Dr. Dobb's Journal April 13, 2012