Progress DataDirect has defined a stringent set of policies and practices around product development and distribution. This ensures there is transparency with regard to third party dependencies, proactive policies, and practices to meet the highest security standards when releasing products. In addition, Progress DataDirect is dedicated to finding a timely and effective resolution to any serious security concerns that arise.
Protect data in motion with complete OpenSSL support with full update compliance
One driver supports all major on-premise and cloud Hadoop/Hive distributions—Apache, Cloudera CDH, Hortonworks, Pivotal HD, MapR, Amazon EMR and others
Certified DataDirect quality guarantees Pivotal HD Hive and application compatibility through explicit Hive-focused testing
Easily load large volumes of data without application code or additional tools that slow performance
Optimize performance and compatibility with any application without application changes
Enhance scale and reliability with connection pooling and transparent reconnections