The PDS team decided the best course of action was to use a fully featured UI component library to bring The Analyst’s Notebook app in line with modern standards. This would enable them to quickly revamp the user experience, so they could spend more time working on mission-critical app features and user requests.
After an exhaustive search, the engineers at the PDS team decided to go with Progress® Telerik® DevCraft™ Ultimate. DevCraft Ultimate is designed for developers who work on complex apps with tight deadlines, with 1,100+ UI components that provide a sleek, fast and consistent UI across all web, desktop and mobile platforms.
The original version of the Notebook was effectively just a web archive—a bunch of files categorized into directories based on mission day number. For people unfamiliar with the app, this presented a huge usability issue. With DevCraft Ultimate, the PDS team can repackage the data and improve navigation to make the data accessible to a much broader audience.
“While our data collection and storage process has not changed, with DevCraft Ultimate, we’ve really transformed the way our end users can find, view and access the data,” explained Tom Stein, Operations Manager and Senior IT, NASA.