How OZP identified bottlenecks and accelerate response time by tens of percent



  • Assuring high level of data network security and IT services availability
  • Hundreds of internal application users and hundreds of thousands of VITAKARTA ONLINE application users


  • Flowmon ADS
  • Flowmon APM
  • Flowmon Collector
  • Flowmon Probe


  • Integrated solution into current IT infrastructure surveillance system
  • Network traffic volume and structure reporting with 1 year history
  • Automatic detection and incidents reporting
  • Real-time performance and response time monitoring

Full Story


OZP is a health insurance company for bank, insurance company and civil engineering employees. OZP is the third largest employee insurance company in the Czech Republic with branch offices in Prague and other twenty cities. OZP offers its customers a comfortable access to all services and information through VITAKARTA ONLINE electronic portal and mVITAKARTA application for smartphones. In addition, they systematically approach public awareness and education with campaigns e.g. “How much does your health cost”.

VITAKARTA ONLINE application is used by tens of thousands users of our insurance company. Application response time and user satisfaction is our top priority. Flowmon APM helped us identify bottlenecks and by optimization of bottlenecks we achieved acceleration of response time by tens of percent. Flowmon APM provides us with evidence and reports about SLA compliance. The same applies for our internal application.

Ing. Jan Devetter

Chief Information Officer


OZP uses Flowmon solution from June 2014. The main reason for Flowmon implementation was to ensure operational and security monitoring in data network and also integration of these functions to already implemented solution for IT infrastructure surveillance (Novicom MoNet) and for network access control (Novicom AddNet). Incidents detected by Flowmon solution are automatically reported into MoNet environment with option to immediately react to the incident with AddNet system.

New Challenge – Application Performance Monitoring

OZP operates two groups of applications.

First group of applications is self-service portal for policyholders called VITAKARTA ONLINE. Users access application to get information and perform operations. Application is running in datacenter and it basically substitutes branch offices. For this reason, it is essential to ensure high availability and reliability of the application, so it can be accessed by user with low response time and without application errors. OZP was receiving users complains about high response time of VITAKARTA ONLINE. With limited visibility it was difficult and time consuming for IT department to identify problem sources and reasons of applications response time deterioration.

It changed with Flowmon APM deployment in January 2015. Flowmon APM immediately informs IT department about application performance deterioration and it provides information about “where” and “when” application had problems. IT department knows about application performance deterioration even before user notices and allows them to quickly solve application problems thus enhance user experience. Flowmon APM also offers reports for management and provides information about SLA compliance.

Second group of applications is internal applications for keeping OZP in operation. Internal applications are used on daily basis by all OZP employees. Performance of internal applications influence work efficiency and quality of services offered by OZP to its customers.

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