Every department within the state government works with third-party vendors for critical business processes including payroll, insurance, contractor support and more. Each of these processes requires cadenced, secure data transfer. Failure to pass information as part of these processes can directly impact employees and residents.
Implement Progress® MOVEit® Automation for automating manual workflows through 1200+ traditional and advanced tasks. Progress® MOVEit® Transfer allows vendors without FTP resources to transfer files and keeps confidential data secure during transfer.
15,000+ people serviced automatically
24,000+ file transfers automated on a given day, dramatically reducing time spent completing tedious and repetitive tasks
129 connected hosts, minimizing the risk of security or compliance violations traditional file transfer methods present
For a state government responsible for the wellbeing of over one million residents, providing convenient public services is part of the mission. More than 15,000 employees spread across hundreds of agencies support this goal, each working to benefit the health, lifestyle and safety of a diverse community. For many departments, this involves funneling information into, around and from their people and systems.
This can create problems when a single IT team is responsible for providing reliable, secure and easy-to-use technology services for every agency. Not only are these departments moving files containing payroll, audit, personal health information (PHI) and other sensitive information, but this data has to be transferred to and from behind the firewall. The state works with external contractors and vendors ranging from enterprise organizations to local SMBs. For the state IT team managing the movement of files, this means working with customers—from novice to expert—in tech proficiency and a vast array of storage solutions where file data is kept.
According to the organization’s current file transfer system admin, “The State interacts with a lot of external users. And some of those external users are what I consider the mom and pops. I can be dealing with the tech guy at Apple, and I can be dealing with your grandmother trying to upload something. File transfer must be robust to be able to really accommodate all those different challenges that you would be facing just interacting with the different people.”
In this context, the IT team knew they needed a centralized MFT solution with automation capabilities, an end-user-friendly UI and advanced security and compliance-enabling features.
The State interacts with a lot of external users. And some of those external users are what I consider the mom and pops. I can be dealing with the tech guy at Apple, and I can be dealing with your grandmother trying to upload something. File transfer must be robust to be able to really accommodate all those different challenges that you would be facing just interacting with the different people.
System Support Specialist
State Government
To balance the organization’s need for capability and security with consumer-friendly ease of use and government-approved predictable pricing, the team began using Progress MOVEit.
“If you need to give files to the state, or if someone in the state needs to get files to someone outside the state, or if someone within the state needs to get files to another state, it usually all runs through MOVEit, and I’m the only administrator,” the system support specialist said.
For a single IT team supporting so many stakeholders and customers, MOVEit Automation removes the admin time and headache of moving thousands of files every day. It also helps support the success of business workflows. For example, if a human error resulted in missing, incorrect or delayed data as part of payroll or health insurance processes, state employees or civilians could be negatively impacted. When thousands of services are on the line every day, these processes must be efficient, reliable and easy to implement.
“Our team just finished deploying a new automation task transferring files from one source to one destination. We expect this procedure to save hundreds if not thousands of hours of staff time each year,” the system support specialist explained.
MOVEit Transfer is the system of choice for the state’s departments working with external vendors that do not have the resources for an FTP interface of their own. The state is able to provide MOVEit Transfer as a free service to these vendors. When working with mom-and-pop style shops or front-line workers, MOVEit Transfer acts as a folder-based web experience non-technical stakeholders can comfortably use without relying on traditional methods of file sharing. This keeps files more secure and traceable. The state also uses MOVEit Transfer for person-to-person file sharing with businesses throughout the auditing process.
MOVEit helps prevent the security problems traditional email attachments and folder shares present. By not allowing any outside access to the state’s networks, MOVEit enables the state to operate with its stakeholders for both person-to-person file transfers and automated workflows across a diverse array of endpoint servers.
These automated workflows save countless hours for the state. Of the nearly 1,200 tasks enabled in MOVEit Automation, almost all are scheduled or triggered by another task. On any given day a single task could be run multiple times, meaning more than 1,200 tasks usually run for thousands of files per day.
“Today we’ve done just under 24,000 file transfers, so if you look at every file transfer taking two minutes to log in and upload something manually... you're going to end up with a good chunk of time saved by automating every day,” the system support specialist said.
For the state, MOVEit makes managing the complex file transfer needs of 15,000+ employees easier and quicker. MOVEit has been their system of choice for managed file transfer and automation for 15+ years.
Our team just finished deploying a new automation task transferring files from one source to one destination. We expect this procedure to save hundreds if not thousands of hours of staff time each year.
System Support Specialist
State Government