What is the DataDirect ADO.NET Technology Difference?

DataDirect Technologies offers the only 100% managed code ADO.NET data providers for all major databases.

View a competitive matrix chart for Sybase.

View a competitive matrix chart for DB2.

View a competitive matrix chart for Oracle.

DataDirect ADO.NET data providers offer the following advantages over other ADO.NET data providers:

DataDirect Technologies offers the only 100% managed code ADO.NET data providers for all major databases, including:

By using 100% managed code, you can take advantage of the numerous built-in services of the CLR, enhancing the performance of your managed application. In addition, because no calls are made outside of the .NET Framework, you get automatic memory management and built-in security checks

DataDirect works closely with Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Sybase, and other database vendors. This allows DataDirect to gain early access to new database versions and insight into product and architectural direction.

DataDirect Connect for .NET is tested against Microsoft's proprietary ADO.NET test suites. To supplement that testing and further ensure the quality of our data providers, we have developed our own extensive test suite.

DataDirect data providers support interoperability features, including:

  • Escape syntax for stored procedure executions
  • Scalar functions
  • Outer joins