DB2 Wire Protocol ODBC Driver

  1. The DataDirect Connect for ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver does not require any DB2 client libraries. The DataDirect driver connects directly to the DB2 server and does not require any host-side installations.
  2. The DataDirect Connect for ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver connects to all varieties of DB2 on any of these platforms: Windows, UNIX, Linux, z/OS, and iSeries.
  3. The DataDirect Connect for ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver fully supports:
    • DB2 UDB v7.1, v7.2, v8.1, v8.2, v9.1
    • DB2 UDB v7x, v8.1 for z/OS
    • DB2 UDB V5R1, V5R2, V5R3, V5R4 for iSeries.