Progress Database ODBC and JDBC Driver FAQ

DataDirect provides a branded driver for the Progress database. It is only in rare instances where you would need to purchase an ODBC or JDBC driver directly from DataDirect.

Please make sure that all users of the ODBC or JDBC application are licensed to use the Progress database, or additional licenses will need to be purchased

I purchased my database directly from Progress Software - how do I get an ODBC or JDBC driver?

  • OE 11 or OE 10 - ODBC and JDBC drivers are embedded in client products, and can be downloaded for different platform for licensed users of the Progress database. It requires that you have access to the Electronic Software Download site. If you have questions about this please call us at 781-280-4900 or e-mail us at
  • Version 9.1+ - ODBC and JDBC drivers are embedded in client products* (SQL Client Access or Client Networking with complete install). *except DG/UX Intel, SCO Open Server & Solaris Intel. Client product purchase is required, if client platform is different than database.
  • Version 8 - Client networking & Merant SQL-89 ODBC and JDBC drivers which can be obtained via your Progress Account manager.

I purchased an application that uses a Progress database. Where can I get an ODBC or JDBC driver to access the data?

If your database is version 9.1+ or above, you should be able to obtain it directly from your application partner. If you are extending access to non licensed users, those ODBC or JDBC users will need to be licensed to use the database. If your partner is unable to provide you with this access, please call the presales hotline at 781-280-4900, and we will work with you to get you the products that are needed.