Progress® DataDirect® OpenAccess SDK FAQ for JDBC

Q1 When I try to connect I get following error: 'SQLException:java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver'.

Q2 What is the URL accepted by OpenAccess driver?

Q3 I always get a Dr.Watson error.

Q4 How to use OpenAccess JDBC driver with Visual Age?

Q1 When I try to connect I get following error: 'SQLException:java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver'.

You can instantiate OADriver in your application by one of following method:

  1. new OADriver();
  2. Class.forName ("com.ddtek.jdbc.openaccess.OpenAccessDriver")

Q2 What is the URL accepted by OpenAccess driver?


The following examples show some typical JDBC driver connection URLs:


Q3 I always get a Dr.Watson error.

Check the version of Java SDK and javai.dll. Both should be compatible.

Right now we support Java SDK 1.1.x.

Q4 How to use OpenAccess JDBC driver with Visual Age?

Please follow steps as described below:

  1. Create new project called oajdbc.
  2. Import {oa_sdk}\jdbc directory.
  3. Make sure oajdbc.dll file directory is in the PATH environment variable.
  4. Now run connect.class with "Run With" option by right click on the connect.class and give your database name as an argument.
  5. It will display "connected successfuly" in Visual Age.
  6. Same way you can run select.class by specifying required arguments.