
Is it necessary to create an ADO data source using the Progress DataDirect Configuration Manager in order to connect within my application?

You can use dsn-less connection strings in lieu of creating a data source. Below is a Visual Basic example for Sybase:

Set ODBCConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ODBCConn.Provider = "DataDirect Sybase ADO Provider"
ODBCConn.ConnectionString = "User ID=someUser;Password=somePassword;
Server Name=someServer;Network Protocol=Winsock;Server Port Address=5000"
MsgBox "Connected to Sybase."

When connecting to a Connect ADO provider from a few select applications, you may receive the message "Provider is no longer available. Ensure that the provider is installed properly."

  1. From a DOS prompt, change to the installation directory for the Connect ADO data provider. For example, if you installed the providers in the default location, enter:
    C:\>cd C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers 
  2. At the DOS prompt, register the data provider:
    • To register the Informix provider, enter:
      C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers>regsvr32 ininf09.dll 
    • To register the Oracle8 provider, enter:
      C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers>regsvr32 inor809.dll 
    • To register the Oracle7 provider, enter:
      C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers>regsvr32 inor709.dll 
    • To register the Sybase provider, enter:
      C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers>regsvr32 insyb09.dll 
    • To register the XML provider, enter:
      C:\Program Files\DataDirect\Providers>regsvr32 inxml09.dll 

Is it possible to install multiple versions of the Connect for ADO product line on the same machine?

This is not recommended. For example, if you install Connect ADO 2.7 data providers on a machine on which the Connect ADO 2.5 data providers are already installed, you cannot create new data sources for the Connect ADO 2.5 data providers.