Connect XE for ODBC

What version of the ODBC specification do your drivers support?

The Connect for ODBC drivers support version 3.52 of the ODBC specification.

For Connect XE for ODBC, what databases and platforms are supported?

Currently, Connect XE for ODBC supports Teradata V2R6.0, V2R5.1.x, V2R5.0.x, and V2R4.1.3. See the latest

support matrix for database and platform support for Connect and Connect XE for ODBC.

Is client software required when connecting to Teradata?

Yes, the Teradata driver requires Teradata CLIv2, TGSS, and ICU client software on all platforms. You can download the Teradata client from

When I attempt to connect I get "Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 126 or 1157".

This error is returned when the driver DLL or a DLL it relies on, such as database client software cannot be found. See additional details in Knowledgebase document 000023322 regarding this error.

When attempting to connect or execute SQL with a Connect for ODBC driver, the error "You are not licensed to use this driver under the license you have purchased" is returned.

This error occurs when the driver is not properly licensed. Typically, you will see this error when using a copy of the driver that has been locked for OEM use with a particular application. See complete details in Knowledgebase document 000002174 regarding this error.

How do I know whether to use DataDirect Connect XE for ODBC or Connect64 XE for ODBC?

If your application was built with 32-bit system libraries, you must use Connect XE for ODBC. If your application was built with 64-bit system libraries, you must use Connect64 for ODBC.

It is important to remember that the only factor to consider in this decision is the application that will be using the ODBC driver. It does not matter if the database you are connecting to is 32-bit or 64-bit enabled.

Can your Connect XE for ODBC (32-bit) drivers run on a 64-bit operating system?

Our 32-bit Connect XE for ODBC drivers can run on a 64-bit OS provided 32-bit system libraries are available, and that the drivers are used with a 32-bit application.

Do your Connect XE for ODBC drivers support Unicode?

Our Connect XE for ODBC drivers support both reading/writing Unicode data from the database, as well as the ODBC 'W' (SQLConnectW, SQLTablesW, etc) functions. See the "Unicode" section for each driver in the Connect and Connect XE for ODBC Reference Guide for more information.

What is the difference between the "latest build" and a Service Pack?

The latest build is the most recent patch available for a driver which includes all previous fixes. A service pack is specific roll-up build that we label and post to our external web site as a Service Pack. It includes all latest build drivers at the time of the Service Pack release.