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In general, when you create a widget designer, you need the following:
For more information, see Feather: Create custom designer views.
In some cases, except the client components that you use in your designer markup, you do not have explicit JavaScript dependencies to include in your designer JSON file. In most cases, you may also want to use this designer view as your default one. For example, if you are using the sf-expander client component, you need to create a JSON file that requires the sf-client component.
In this case, Feather automatically takes care of the resolution of the of client components' scripts. You do not have to create the JSON file, only to specify the client components and the view priority.
If, however, you create your JSON file following the conventions, Feather will respect it and use it. Note that, if you do not include a client component, but you are using it, this will cause an error and Feather will not automatically take care of it.
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