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Each Feather client-side component requires you to describe all scripts that it depends on, so you can use it. For example, if you want to use the sf-image-selector in your designer view, you need to describe the 26 scripts the selector depends on. For details, see Use-an-image-selector.
Feather will automatically resolve and populate the components you rely on by analyzing your designer view. If no other designer views with explicitly set priority exists, your analyzed designer view will be set priority 1. This eliminates the need for you to have DesignerVIew.YourView.json file, unless you have dependencies to custom scripts. If you have a JSON file that matches the convention (even if empty), this automatic scripts registration will not occur.
Feather also enables you specify the component you rely on as a single alias, instead of having to describe all component's script dependencies. What you do is add just one dependency to the component. For example, you add a dependency to the sf-image-selector and as a result, your DesignerView.YourView.json has the following content:
Of course, you can still list in your DesignerView.YourView.json all the scripts you want to load. You can even combine both scripts and components, thus loading your custom scripts while in the same time working with Feather's built-in components.
The following list describes all components you can use:
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