Sitefinity CMS is Initializing |
System is initializing... |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) Adding an index(indices) to an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) -- add column for field ControlData.personalizationSegmentId |
ALTER TABLE [sf_object_data] ADD [personalization_segment_id] uniqueidentifier NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) -- add column for field ControlData.isPersonalized |
ALTER TABLE [sf_object_data] ADD [is_personalized] tinyint NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) -- add column for field ControlData.ControlData_personalizedControls |
ALTER TABLE [sf_object_data] ADD [personalization_master_id] uniqueidentifier NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:00) -- Index 'idx_sf_bjct_dt_prsnlztn_mstr_d' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_bjct_dt_prsnlztn_mstr_d] ON [sf_object_data]([personalization_master_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) -- add column for field metadata |
ALTER TABLE [sf_version_chnges] ADD [metadata] varchar(4000) NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) -- add column for field isSyncedItem |
ALTER TABLE [sf_vesion_items] ADD [synced] tinyint NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) UPDATE [sf_vesion_items] SET [synced] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) ALTER TABLE [sf_vesion_items] ALTER COLUMN [synced] tinyint NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) PASSED : SiteInitializer: Upgrade to 5800 (method: UpgradePresentationData) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) PASSED : SiteInitializer: Upgrade to 5800 (method: RegisterChangeQuestionAndAnswerTemplate) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:01) PASSED : SiteInitializer: Upgrade to 5800 (method: UpgradeDecimalCustomFields) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:03) Db Migration Complexity: Complex |
(23/09/2015 08:53:03) Modifying a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:03) -- Column was read from database as: [password_question] varchar(255) null |
-- modify column for field passwordQuestion |
ALTER TABLE [sf_users] ALTER COLUMN [password_question] NVARCHAR(500) NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:06) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:06) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:06) -- add column for field subscriptionListId |
ALTER TABLE [sf_scheduled_tasks] ADD [subscr_lst_id] uniqueidentifier NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:13) PASSED : Changing the AzureBlobStorageProvider namespace and assembly. |
(23/09/2015 08:53:13) PASSED : 9360e40e-3692-4b67-86c9-60c64de3b919 LibrariesModule: Upgrade to 5900 (AzureBlobStorageProvider is now extracted in a separate Git project. The new assembly is Telerik.Sitefinity.Azure and the new namespace is Telerik.Sitefinity.Azure.BlobStorage.) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:17) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:17) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:17) -- add column for field <Framework>k__BackingField |
ALTER TABLE [sf_form_description] ADD [frmwrk] int NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:17) UPDATE [sf_form_description] SET [frmwrk] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:17) ALTER TABLE [sf_form_description] ALTER COLUMN [frmwrk] int NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) Db Migration Complexity: Complex |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) Modifying a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) -- add column for field retryCount |
ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ADD [retry_count] int NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) UPDATE [sf_bounce_stat] SET [retry_count] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ALTER COLUMN [retry_count] int NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) -- Column was read from database as: [message_status] int not null |
-- modify column for field messageStatus |
ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ALTER COLUMN [message_status] int NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) -- add column for field isProcessing |
ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ADD [is_processing] tinyint NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) UPDATE [sf_bounce_stat] SET [is_processing] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ALTER COLUMN [is_processing] tinyint NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) -- add column for field bounceStatus |
ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ADD [bounce_status] int NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) UPDATE [sf_bounce_stat] SET [bounce_status] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:23) ALTER TABLE [sf_bounce_stat] ALTER COLUMN [bounce_status] int NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) Adding a column(s) on an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) Adding a foreign key constraint(s) to a new table(s), the create table statement(s) is included as well. |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) Adding an index(indices) definition for a new table(s), the create table statement(s) is included as well. |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) Adding a new table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.sf_ec_prdct_book |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_book] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
[release_date] DATETIME NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_book.ReleaseDate |
[Publisher] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_book.Publisher |
[number_of_pages] INT NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_book.NumberOfPages |
[i_s_b_n] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_book.ISBN |
[author] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_book.Author |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_prdct_book] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.sf_ec_prdct_generalproduct |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_generalproduct] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_prdct_generalproduct] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.sf_ec_prdct_software |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_software] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
[release] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_software.Release |
[platform] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_software.Platform |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_prdct_software] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.sf_ec_prdct_song |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_song] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
[release_year] INT NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_song.ReleaseYear |
[length] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_song.Length |
[artist] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_song.Artist |
[album] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- sf_ec_prdct_song.Album |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_prdct_song] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- add column for field <internal-class-id> |
ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_product] ADD [voa_class] int NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) UPDATE [sf_ec_product] SET [voa_class] = 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_product] ALTER COLUMN [voa_class] int NOT NULL |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.OpenAccess.TrackedList`1[[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] Telerik.Sitefinity.Ecommerce.Catalog.Model.Product.Department |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_product_department] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
[seq] int NOT NULL, -- <sequence> |
[val] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- <value> |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_product_department] PRIMARY KEY ([id], [seq]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Telerik.OpenAccess.TrackedList`1[[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] Telerik.Sitefinity.Ecommerce.Catalog.Model.Product.Tags |
CREATE TABLE [sf_ec_product_tags] ( |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, |
[seq] int NOT NULL, -- <sequence> |
[val] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- <value> |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_ec_product_tags] PRIMARY KEY ([id], [seq]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_book] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_bk_sf__4ADEB946] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_generalproduct] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_gnrlpr_1BF9D988] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_software] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_sftwr__02DBF4EF] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_prdct_song] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_sng_sf_60B26BCA] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_product_department] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_dprtmn_B6654094] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) ALTER TABLE [sf_ec_product_tags] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_sf_c_prdct_tgs_sf_7D33BDB8] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [sf_ec_product]([id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Index 'idx_sf_c_prduct_department_val' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_c_prduct_department_val] ON [sf_ec_product_department]([val]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:28) -- Index 'idx_sf_ec_product_tags_val' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_ec_product_tags_val] ON [sf_ec_product_tags]([val]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:33) PASSED : 6D7A17E6-533B-4D54-83B8-5D8A33B652A6 ModuleBuilderModule: Upgrade to 5900 (Upgrades the DynamicModuleConfig file to change the value of the 'allowMultiple' taxonomy field to true. This field was not taken into account until now.) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:35) Db Migration Complexity: Extending |
(23/09/2015 08:53:35) Adding an index(indices) to an existing table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:35) -- Index 'idx_sf_rdsgn_md_qry_rl_prnt_md' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_rdsgn_md_qry_rl_prnt_md] ON [sf_rdsgn_media_query_rule]([parent_media_query_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) Db Migration Complexity: Trivial |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) Adding an index(indices) definition for a new table(s), the create table statement(s) is included as well. |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) Adding a new table(s). |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.Lock |
CREATE TABLE [sf_locks] ( |
[lckr] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- locker |
[last_mod] datetime NOT NULL, -- lastModified |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_locks] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.Job |
CREATE TABLE [sf_tr_jbs] ( |
[trg_langs] varchar(2000) NULL, -- targetLanguages |
[prjc_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- project |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
[date_created] datetime NOT NULL, -- dateCreated |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_tr_jbs] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.TranslationProject |
CREATE TABLE [sf_tr_prjcts] ( |
[title] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- title |
[status] int NOT NULL, -- status |
[start_date] datetime NOT NULL, -- startDate |
[site_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- siteId |
[retry_count] int NOT NULL, -- retryCount |
[po_ref] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- poReference |
[owner] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- owner |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
[external_id] varchar(255) NULL, -- externalId |
[due_date] datetime NOT NULL, -- dueDate |
[dscrptn] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- description |
[date_sent] datetime NULL, -- dateSent |
[date_created] datetime NOT NULL, -- dateCreated |
[date_completed] datetime NULL, -- dateCompleted |
[cnctr] varchar(255) NULL, -- connector |
[act_src_lang] varchar(255) NULL, -- actualSourceLanguage |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_tr_prjcts] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.TranslatableSource |
CREATE TABLE [sf_tr_sources] ( |
[title] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- title |
[src_lang] varchar(255) NULL, -- sourceLanguage |
[site_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- siteId |
[root_key] varchar(255) NULL, -- rootKey |
[parnt_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- parentId |
[item_type] varchar(255) NULL, -- itemType |
[item_prvdr] varchar(255) NULL, -- itemProvider |
[item_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- itemId |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_tr_sources] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.Translation |
CREATE TABLE [sf_tr_trnsltns] ( |
[unique_item_key] varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- uniqueItemKey |
[trns_status] int NOT NULL, -- translationStatus |
[trg_lang] varchar(255) NULL, -- targetLanguage |
[src_vrsn_type] int NOT NULL, -- sourceVersionType |
[tr_source_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- <Source>k__BackingField |
[owner] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- owner |
[metadata] varchar(255) NULL, -- metadata |
[job_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- <Job>k__BackingField |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
[ext_status] NVARCHAR(500) NULL, -- externalStatus |
[external_id] varchar(255) NULL, -- externalId |
[err_msg] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, -- errorMessage |
[date_modified] datetime NULL, -- dateModified |
[date_created] datetime NOT NULL, -- dateCreated |
[act_src_lang] varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- actualSourceLanguage |
[voa_version] smallint NOT NULL, -- <internal-version> |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_tr_trnsltns] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Telerik.Sitefinity.Translations.Model.TranslationUnit |
CREATE TABLE [sf_tr_units] ( |
[trns_id] uniqueidentifier NULL, -- translation |
[title] NVARCHAR(255) NULL, -- title |
[trg_val] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, -- targetValue |
[src_val] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, -- sourceValue |
[prop_name] varchar(255) NULL, -- propertyName |
[ordinal] real NOT NULL, -- ordinal |
[id] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- id |
CONSTRAINT [pk_sf_tr_units] PRIMARY KEY ([id]) |
) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_tr_prjcts_extrnl_id' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_tr_prjcts_extrnl_id] ON [sf_tr_prjcts]([external_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_itm_descrtn' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_itm_descrtn] ON [sf_tr_sources]([item_id], [item_type], [item_prvdr]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_trns_unq_item_trglang' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [idx_trns_unq_item_trglang] ON [sf_tr_trnsltns]([unique_item_key], [trg_lang]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_trns_status' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_trns_status] ON [sf_tr_trnsltns]([trns_status]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_trns_extrnl_id' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_trns_extrnl_id] ON [sf_tr_trnsltns]([external_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_sf_tr_trnsltns_tr_surce_id' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_tr_trnsltns_tr_surce_id] ON [sf_tr_trnsltns]([tr_source_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:53) -- Index 'idx_sf_tr_units_trns_id' was not detected in the database. It will be created |
CREATE INDEX [idx_sf_tr_units_trns_id] ON [sf_tr_units]([trns_id]) |
(23/09/2015 08:53:54) PASSED : Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.Notifications.Data.OpenAccessNotificationsProvider : Upgrade to 5800 - Removing unused subscriptions. Count: 0 |
(23/09/2015 08:53:54) PASSED : Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.Notifications.Data.OpenAccessNotificationsProvider : Upgrade to 5800 - Removing unused subscription lists. Count: 0 |
System is initializing... |