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The Audit module contains the default implementations of the collection, processing, and logging of audit information. The Audit module subscribes to a number of Sitefinity CMS events to track what is taking place in the system.
The workflow of processing an event is as follows:
Event handlers are registered by calling the AuditRegistry.RegisterEventHandler and specifying the event type or interface and the IAuditEventConverter type handles the conversion. The event handler queues the converted event to the aggregator.
The IAuditInfo interface defines the abstract uniform representation of audit events.
The interface has the following properties:
The IAuditEventConverter interface has a single Convert method, which returns the IAuditInfo.
When an event is converted, the IAuditInfo item is pushed to the AuditAggregator. If an item with the same key is pushed shortly after this, both items are aggregated into one. When an item is older than few seconds (you can configure the exact time interval), the item is passed to the IAuditLogger loggers.
The post processors of the audit information are handed the aggregated instance and are given the opportunity to modify the information before sending it to the loggers (the order is currently unspecified, so avoid relying on other processor's changes).
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