IMPORTANT: This version of Sitefinity CMS is out of support and the respective product documentation is no longer maintained and can be outdated. Use the version selector to view a supported product version.
Each time your system restarts and pages are requested on the frontend for the first time after restart, Sitefinity CMS generates the markup for the pages, passes it to ASP.NET engine for compilation, and the ASP.NET compiles the page in an assembly that is stored in a temporary folder.
RECOMMENDATION: We recommend installing Roslyn for your Sitefinity CMS application, so that you end up with improved startup and pre-compilation times. For more information, see Optimize website startup.
To make subsequent requests to the sever faster, you can persist the compiled assembly between application restarts and create the page from the already compiled assembly.
NOTE: The compiled assembly is invalidated and recompiled if the page is changed and republished or, if for some reason, the ASP.NET assembly cache is cleared.
To do this, you can leverage Sitefinity CMS Warmup service, which requests all sitemap pages, compiles them based on sitemap priority and stores them in the output cache, so they are ready to perform at their best.
RECOMMENDATION: Leverage the Sitefinity CMS Warmup service to ensure your website is configured for optimal performance, so that your customers do not experience any slowdown, lagging, or delay in loading of your site. For more information, see Site warmup.
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