Configure the properties of an image

After you have uploaded an image, you can configure various properties of the image.
To do this, perform the following:

  1. To edit and add details to an already uploaded image, on Images page perform one of the following:
    • Click the image you want to edit.
    • Click the Actions link of the respective image and then click Edit Properties.
    • The Edit image page appears.

      NOTE: In the right of the page you can see the current status of the image that you have opened for editing. You can also see the author, the time and date of the last update, the publication date, and a link to all existing versions of the item.

  2. Change the title of the image, by entering the new title in Title input field.
  3. Preview the image.
    In the Preview pane, by clicking change-image, you have the following options:
    • To view the image in its original size, click Open the file.
    • To view a list of all the sizes, in which the image appears on your site, click View all sizes.
      The All sizes of <image name> page appears. It displays all sizes that the image appears in. For example, you can display one image in different Image widgets in different sizes or configure different thumbnail sizes for one image.
    • To edit the image, click Crop/Resize/Rotate…
      The Edit image window opens.
      1. Use the button to crop, resize or rotate by 90 degrees the image.
      2. When finished editing the image you can save the changes by clicking Save or save the edited image as a new image by clicking Save as and entering a new name.
    • To replace the image file, click Replace the file.
      Drag the image, you want to upload or click Select image from your computer. Browse your computer to find the image you want to upload and click Open.
      The file name of the image and its size appear.
      The system replaces the image, but not its title and other properties.
    • If you have more than one languages on your site, you can choose to display different image files in different languages.
      To do this, click Use another file for this translation and select one of the following:
      • One of the image files that are used in other translations of this media content item.
      • or upload another file for this translation
        Drag the image that you want to upload for this translation or click Select image from your computer. Browse your computer to find the image you want to upload and click Open.
        The file name of the image and its size appear.
  4. Change the library which the image belongs to, by clicking Change button and selecting the new library from the dropdown box that appears.
  5. Add alternative text to the image, under Alternative text, enter the text in the input field.
    The text that you enter in Alternative text is used for accessibility reasons and by search engines.
  6. Change the categories and the tags which the image is assigned to, by clicking Categories and tags.
    For more information, see Add categories and tags to content items.
  7. To add details to the image, click Details.
    The following input fields appear:
    • Author
      Enter an author of the image.
    • Description
      The description you enter in that input field appears as a tooltip for the image in browsers that support ToolTips feature. When the image is opened, the description appears under the image.
  8. By clicking Advanced, you can change the following:
    • The automatically generated URL of the media content item.
      To change it, click Change and enter a new URL name.
    • Configure additional URLs for the media content item.
      1. Select Allow multiple URLs for this item... checkbox
      2. Enter the URLs one per line, using the following convention /images/<URL name>
      3. If you want all the URLs that you have entered to point to the default URL of the image, select All additional URLs redirect to the default URL checkbox.
        If you uncheck the checkbox, each URL will display the media content item without redirecting.
    • The automatically generated URL of the image file.
      To change it, click Change and enter a new URL name.
    • Configure additional URLs for the image file.
      1. Select Enable multiple URLs for this file... checkbox
      2. Enter the URLs one per line, using the following convention /images/<URL name>
      3. If you want all the URLs that you have entered to point to the default URL of the file, select All additional URLs redirect to the default URL checkbox.
        If you uncheck the checkbox, each URL will display the image file without redirecting.
  9. If you have added any custom fields for images, all created fields, appear after the Advanced section.

    IMPORTANT: Some of the above fields may not be displayed when you edit the properties of an image, because they have been hidden.

    For more information about creating custom fields and hiding default fields, see Overview: Custom fields.

    NOTE: In the right you can see the following information about the image:

    • Its status, when the status was last changed and the user that changed the status.
    • The dimensions of the image and its size in bytes.
    • Links, which you can use to link or embed the image.
  10. In the right side of the page, you can see the dimensions of the image and customize them.
    To do this click Customize embedded image link and select the new size of the image.
  11. To check the content types or pages, which the image is related to, in the right pane, click Items linking to this item.
    You can see a list where the image is used as Related media.
    For more information, see Add a Related media custom field
  12. Before you finish editing the image, you can preview it by clicking the Preview button in the toolbar. 
    The image opens in its default page. If there is no default page, it means the image is not displayed anywhere on the site and you cannot preview it.
    To see which the default page for the image is, expand Pages in the right side. The page on the top of the list is the default page. For more information about viewing and setting default pages, see Locations of content items: Canonical URLs.
  13. When you are finished, click Publish.
    If you have a workflow installed on your website, you can have different options. For more information, see Actions available in a workflow.

    If you are editing a published blog post, the system saves a draft of that post, but the published version is still visible on the webpage. To see which version is the currently published one, see Revision history for content items.

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