Create a new configuration

In this example, you create a page appearance configuration that stores page settings, such as fonts and colors.

To create the configuration, you perform the following:

  1. Create the configuration section class
    In the class you define the configuration properties that you need.
    Inherit from 
    ConfigSectionYou must use only primitive types for configuration properties. You can use NameValueCollection, but you cannot have more than one NameValueCollection property for a configuration element. To use a collection in the configuration class, you use ConfigElementDictionary. You can use complex properties with TypeConverter that serializes to a primitive type. To persist a property in the configuration file, you must add the ConfigurationProperty attribute.

    IMPORTANT: The NameValueCollection must be named Parameters.

    The following code creates the configuration section class:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Configuration;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Configuration;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Localization;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Utilities.TypeConverters;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.Configuration;
    namespace SitefinityWebApp
    public class PageAppearanceConfig : ConfigSection
    [ConfigurationProperty("remoteOnly", DefaultValue = true, IsRequired = true)]
    public bool RemoteOnly
    return (bool)this["remoteOnly"];
    this["remoteOnly"] = value;
    public NameValueCollection Parameters
    return (NameValueCollection)this[ConfigElement.ParametersPropertyName];
    this[ConfigElement.ParametersPropertyName] = value;
    public ColorElement Color
    return (ColorElement)this["color"];
    this["color"] = value;
    public ConfigElementDictionary<string, FontElement> Fonts
    return (ConfigElementDictionary<string, FontElement>)this["Fonts"];
    [ConfigurationProperty("version", DefaultValue = null)]
    [ObjectInfo(typeof(ConfigDescriptions), Title = "VersionAttributeTitle", Description = "VersionAttributeDescription")]
    public Version Version
    return (Version)this["version"];
    this["version"] = value;

    You represent the page appearance with a collection of fonts and a color. You define a property for controlling whether the appearance is valid only for remote connection. The NameValueCollection stores collection of properties that you define in the configuration provider.

  2. Create the configuration elements.

    To create the configuration elements that represent the font and the color, you inherit from ConfigElement. You must create a constructor with ConfigElement parameter that is the parent element. You use IsKey to define a key for the class.

    The following code creates the font and color elements:

    using System;
    using System.Configuration;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Configuration;
    namespace SitefinityWebApp
    public class FontElement : ConfigElement
    public FontElement(ConfigElement parent)
    : base(parent)
    [ConfigurationProperty("name", DefaultValue = "Arial", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)]
    public String Name
    return (String)this["name"];
    this["name"] = value;
    [ConfigurationProperty("size", DefaultValue = "12", IsRequired = false)]
    public int Size
    return (int)this["size"];
    this["size"] = value;
    public class ColorElement : ConfigElement
    public ColorElement(ConfigElement parent)
    : base(parent)
    [ConfigurationProperty("background", DefaultValue = "FFFFFF", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)]
    public String Background
    return (String)this["background"];
    this["background"] = value;
    [ConfigurationProperty("foreground", DefaultValue = "000000", IsRequired = true)]
    public String Foreground
    return (String)this["foreground"];
    this["foreground"] = value;
    view raw FontElement.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub
  3. Register the new configuration
    You must register the configuration section class when the application starts - in the Global.asax or when developing a module - in the Initialize method of the module class.

    The following code snippet registers the configuration in the Global.asax file:

    using System;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions;
    using Telerik.Sitefinity.Configuration;
    namespace SitefinityWebApp
    public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Bootstrapper.Bootstrapped += Bootstrapper_Bootstrapped;
    private void Bootstrapper_Bootstrapped(object sender, EventArgs e)

After you register the configuration, Sitefinity CMS creates a file PageAppearanceConfig.config that is stored in ~/App_Data/Sitefinity/Configuration and it allows you to modify it from the backend. To do this, navigate to Administration » Settings » Advanced.

Additional resources

MSDN: How to: Implement a Type Converter

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