Search results widget

You use the Search results widget to configure where and how to display the results of a search that a user performed on your website.

PREREQUISITES: You created at least one search index and added the Search box widget somewhere on your website.

Configure the Search results widget

  1. Drag and drop the Search results widget on a page of your choice.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the widget, click the Edit button to open the widget designer.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Use paging
      This option divides the search results list in several pages. Each page contains up to 20 items. You can change the number of items per page.
    • Use limit
      This option shows only a limited number of search result items. The default number of items is 20 items in total. You can change the total number of items displayed.
    • No limit and paging
      This option shows all published items at once.
  4. From the Sort results dropdown menu, select the option you want to use.
    By default, the most relevant results are listed on top of the list. You can change this default sorting behavior to Newest first or Oldest first.
  5. To enable users to change the default sorting behavior on the frontend, select the Allow users to sort results checkbox.
  6. Under Template, select the template you want to use to display the search results on the page.
    The Templates dropdown menu lists all Search results widget templates created from Sitefinity CMS backend and all Search results views created in the file system.

    NOTE: You can optionally customize the default widget template or create a new template for the Search results widget. For more information, see Overview: Widget templates.

  7. To apply styling to Search results widget, expand the More options and set Style and CSS classes. CSS classes are applied to the div element containing Search results widget.
    In case you created predefined styles, you can see the Style dropdown menu listing all your predefined styles. For more information about predefined styles, see Add predefined styles
  8. Click Save.

Additional resources


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